
I think it got overshadowed by the sheer badness of it and the way it was marketed - very men vs. women in a really stereotypical, tired way. A lot of the jokes are straight up groan worthy, and it has a really awkward laugh track. But there was actually a lot of really interesting and great stuff going on in the show

Thanks for saying this - I always hate the idea that ultimatums are such a terrible thing, and usually they're talked about in relation to marriage. In any relationship where you're not getting something that is important to you, it makes sense to say "I am not getting this important thing out of this relationship,

The thing is, though, this is a HUGE part of our culture, especially among women. That doesn't mean that all women are obsessed with marriage - I don't believe in marriage, for instance, so I know that to be true. But we've created a culture where women are encouraged to dream about "their special day," where the

So I have to say - this is a reason I really enjoyed Whitney, despite all of its problems. It featured a woman who didn't want to get married not because she couldn't get a man, but because she genuinely didn't want to. And in the season finale, when she agreed to get married to make her boyfriend happy, he realized

People in America tend to think that uncut penises look strange. I have to admit that when I first slept with an uncut man, I had never seen one before and was a little unsure of how to handle it. I got over it, of course, and I'm sure the vast majority of other women do too. But that's the "stigma."

The structure is already in place to recruit minorities of all genders, as they are already considered under represented minorities. They're just adding white men to that classification.

Is that Iron Man on your toilet? That is awesome.

My cat is like this too, except he drinks out of the toilet. I guess there is nothing that gross about it, since technically the water is clean, but...ew. He also has a lovely $80 fountain that he refuses to use.

Well, wait. Underrepresented Minority means underrepresented in that particular area of learning, not just in the world in general. That is why, for instance, you do not get Underrepresented Minority status at colleges and graduate schools in the US for being Asian - they receive higher education in such large

A patient cannot sign away their rights like that, it's against the law. Otherwise doctors would have patients do it for every procedure.

People tend to pick pictures they think they look good in as their profile pictures, no? So it stands to reason that if someone uses their profile photo in a news item, it's most likely a picture of themselves that they liked?

What a sweet and wonderful thing to do for your Granny!

I'm replying to you in a tough love manner, so if you're not in the mood / don't want to hear it don't read any further - I totally understand.

Do you think there would be any benefit to having a doctor set up an anonymous website called "How to Have A Safe Home Abortion" or something like that? So that women who have to resort to buying the pills in Mexico have a trustworthy resource on how to induce the abortion, how to make sure you are no longer pregnant,

I'm confused as to why you have a problem with this? It doesn't seem much different, to me, than the olden days when we would see school photos and things like that on the news. But now at least it's a photo that we know the victim actually chose to represent them. (Except if we're talking about cases where photos are

Well, it depends - modern children's books that could be helpful at inner city schools, third world countries, etc., are valuable donations. I can't think of children's books that a school wouldn't want - I guess things with really outdated science, stuff like that, would not be helpful. If you can find a charity that

From what I can see she got very very thin very rapidly, and she was already pretty small to begin with. But you know, it's really not my place to be making judgement calls like that based on paparazzi pictures and you're totally right, I have no idea what her exercise schedule is. Something about all the

I wasn't able to see the video before it got taken down, saying that's a great way to display your books is sort of ridiculous. I had the impression that it was a cute box made out of books, as in here's a way to take books you are never going to read again and make them into storage space while still getting to have

I see what you're saying and even sort of understand it, as I worked hard to create a lot of the books that are out there. But I don't think destroying the physical book is actually destroying an author's work, just like making crafts out of old records / CDs is not destroying a musician's song. The song or book still

You're right - old books (like, books that are unlikely to have digital editions) are actually way more valuable than something like Lemony Snicket (apparently that's what LC used), which had hundreds of thousands of copies in print and digital editions and thus is very unlikely to be "lost."