
To me it's just a bizarre way to react to this problem. I understand that the pressure and judgement has gotten out of control, but reacting to it by rejecting science strikes me as bizarre. And the anecdotal stuff drives me crazy - there are at least 50 comments in here along the lines of "I was formula fed and I'm

Ah, I see what you're saying. I think the stuff about bonding is mostly breast feeding propaganda. There has been some evidence that has shown that it releases a hormone in the mother's brain that aids in bonding, but I am guessing that there are other ways to get that. You're right, the actual health benefits are

"And, as for all the dire warnings about the calamities that would befall my babies if we headed down the hedonistic bottle-feeding path? It was all bunk."

Er, OK. That is kind of nitpicking semantics and ignoring my point, which is that giving your child breast milk for even a day has been shown to benefit them in ways that formula does not. As my comment clearly said, it is fine if that benefit is not worth what you / your family has to go through. To me, it is similar

This article is distressing to me because I wish we could be reasonable about things. Scientific studies show that breastfeeding IS better. It also shows that nothing terrible is going to happen to your child if you decide to formula feed them.

Sorry, I guess my first paragraph was not a complete train of thought. I was trying to reply to the argument that if blondness is rare in the general population, then it should be rare in people wanting blonde babies, by showing that you don't have to be blonde to have recessive genes for it and want to express that

That doesn't make sense though, because of the way genetics work. Most donor egg babies are not fertilized with donor sperm, right? It's donor egg and the father's sperm? So since light hair and eyes are recessive, the father would either have to have light hair and eyes or have a parent who had light hair and eyes.

Light hair and light eyes are recessive traits and are thus rarer in the general population, and thus rarer among egg donors. It makes sense to pay more for people who have the "rare" desirable genes, since you're going to have a much smaller pool of candidates who can give parents those traits if they want them. I'm

I don't sweat and it is terrible - it means I can't cool myself down easily and thus am always getting really overheated and am super prone to sun poisoning. It also means that when I work out my face turns purple and people think I'm on the verge of having a heart attack.

Yes, exactly. The outrage over this app sort of shows WHY people have problems with baby pictures. Most people are not self-righteous and sanctimonious about their vacation / food / Farmville pictures and would not care if they heard that one of their friends didn't particularly care to see them. But if you even imply

Ah, that's what I figured - thanks for the clarification! It's just too bad that the princesses of color, other that Tiana, don't have fluffy skirts.

It's a 3D porcelein figurine using high-tech 3D printing technology.

I think there is a specific reason the princesses they included were included, and that is that all the figurines are the same size and shape, the only alteration made is the face. So they all need to have ballgown style outfits. I think this is why Jasmine was left out too. They have Tiana, and skin color and hair

My only problem with this is that there's an age restriction.

The thing is, this is part of her job. And she's compensated really, really well for doing that job. For the vast majority of people, to achieve this superhuman level of fitness / thinness, it means working out all the time and keeping your calories very, very controlled. And not even that, but what those calories are

I don't have Daddy issues and that's the way I felt too. I can't imagine why anyone would tear up at that story - deadbeat father who abandoned the family realizes that his daughter might soon be rich and famous and pops back up in an incredibly public way? Yikes.

Loesch's article is stupid but she doesn't imply that she thinks it is at all gross that he mentioned the word menstruation. In fact, in the article she uses the word menstrual several times herself. So what conservative, exactly, was grossed out by it? Erin, I love you and your articles, but the situation is stupid

This weekend I had a first - someone actually posted a picture of their positive pregnancy test. What. The. Hell.

Actually, anyone who has followed gymnastics for any length of time knows that most experts were concerned that Gabby was not going to able to handle the pressure of the Olympics. Everyone thought she'd get into the finals, but Jordyn Wieber was favored to win the gold. People didn't know until the team finals that

"Except no, wait. It's not. That's THEIR argument. That's the conservative bigot's argument about gay people."