
Every single freaking Bachelor, this happens. It drives me crazy. They ignore the nice ones while the sexy, uber-aggressive ones get the first impression roses and the group date roses, etc. I just don't get it. Haven't any of them watched previous Bachelors? Don't they realize that if the girls are telling you one of

I experience this, and it's not something to worry about unless it's really bothering you. The pill does not always stop ovulation. But despite this, your chance of getting pregnant is very, very low, because the pill also increases cervical mucus, changes the shape of the fallopian tubes, and prevents implantation in

No one who is pro-choice thinks that federal funding needs to be withheld from abortions - that is an anti-choice thing, where people think that because their religion says it's wrong, they shouldn't have to pay for it at all. But Planned Parenthood is fighting for its life, as it has somehow been targeted as the main

Love this. Immediately went and named one for my boyfriend. Hopefully he thinks it's hilarious and not a sign that I hate him.

I have to say, I think claiming the M&M ad is objectification of women does the genuine, legitimate criticism of the other ads a real disservice. Even if we go ahead and discard the fact that we're talking about candy, the M&M ad showed a female M&M objecting to and making fun of her objectification by people at the

I get my boyfriend gifts on Valentine's day. I always find him some cool sort of candy and then a small gift on top of that - last year it was Louis CK tickets, this year it's a nice pair of gloves.

I don't know if any of those innovations have reached the level of cultural significant that Shazaam, Words With Friends, text-to-speech, etc. have. Farmville, maybe, but she didn't invent Farmville - "I adapted Farmville for mobile phones," just does not sound as impressive. I am not very up on the tech world, so I'm

I loved House of Carters, and I especially loved her, but at the time I knew it was wrong - that I was getting pleasure out of watching someone who was truly ill. I'm really sad she wasn't able to get things together, when I had read a few years ago that she was married and had a kid I hoped her life was going better.

I'm confused about that and I think the story must be misreported. Why would he not move or find another home for him, if he would be so distraught about putting him down? Maybe the dog bit someone, which unfortunately sometimes causes a situation where owners are forced to put their dogs down by the law.

My assistant brought her boyfriend back to our office one night and had sex on my desk - I found out when she gossiped about it to another assistant. It was so crazy and violating and upsetting. I actually get how that can seem sexy and fun, but seriously? How can you even look your boss in the eye the next day?

What kind of christenings are you going to where the ladies where low cut, bright red dresses?

Oh, I 100% agree that it has nothing to do with whether he raped her or not. I just think revealing all these details to the media is really weird. Doesn't matter how she got drunk, why she got drunk, or where she got drunk, if she was cheating on her boyfriend or not, if she was too drunk to consent and he had sex

This story is just striking me as really bizarre. If she had a boyfriend, why did she go out drinking with someone she met on the street and then head back to her law office with him? And why are her friends leaking all this information to the media? Doesn't that sort of hurt her case and her chance at justice, if the

What. The. Fuck.

I'm actually pretty surprised by this. I used to watch Good Day New York every morning when I lived there, because I loved the ridiculous stupid goofiness of Greg and Rosanna together. And I always assumed he was gay. An older, unmarried man, who often talked about his personal life but never talked about dating or

That is nice to hear. When I lived in New York, I watched Good Day New York almost every morning, because I kind of loved the ridiculousness of Greg and Rosanna together (there's a reason they show up on the Soup all the time). So I am happy to hear they're handling this in an appropriate manner.

His father sounds like an awful person. I haven't clicked on the article because I really don't want to see the image (thank you for the warning). I'm still inclined to give the son the benefit of the doubt, because who knows if he has control over his father or not, but it seems less and less likely that he had no

That's his father who is doing that, FYI, not the candidate himself. I don't think we can assume that he's not horrified that this happened.

I mean - could you imagine any writer on this site ever saying "Why did this actress refuse to get close to Chris Brown - maybe because she's a monster!" It's really strange and sad that they are just ignoring the Fassbender stuff.

Because this guy seems to be a new weekend author, and I think the site's editorial content (ie, what is chosen and why) is worth having a discussion about among commenters.