
That's the cost for a steak for two people though, right? The $30 price I quoted is for the hanger steak, the rest of the steaks are significantly more.

I guess it's just coming on the heels of seeing that they rented out Nobu for New Year's Eve that it makes me uncomfortable. With people camping out in tents in cities all over the country for the past year, the expenditure strikes me as slightly Marie Antoinette before the revolution. Like I said, I don't think it

Like I said, the Clinton's favorite place in DC was a mid-priced bistro near the White House.

That's not actually true. Only 33% of the first class men on board survived. 46% of the third class women survived. (The actual numbers are 57 men vs. 76 third class women.)

So, I'm about to sound all crazy and Fox-newsy.

The locking of the gates did actually happen, but not in the way that it was presented in the movies. It was miscommunication in the panic that resulted in passengers from steerage being locked in, not a desire to force them to die with the ship.

It's not necessarily about prioritizing their lives, it's about giving the people who will definitely not have a fighting chance if they aren't in a lifeboat a fighting chance. You or I might be able to bob in the water in our life preservers for an hour or two waiting for the Coast Guard, but a 2 year old or a 92

I actually somewhat agree with this, though I don't think women should be given priority. It should be children, invalid / sick and elderly first, then all other passengers, then crew. Pushing past children so that you can survive doesn't make you smart, it makes you pretty terrible in my book. And don't even get me

That's actually not true, though. Some of the wealthiest men of the time (John Jacob Astor being the most famous) went down with the ship in order to allow women and children to board the lifeboats.

When I lived in the West Village, the McDonald's that was less than 2 minutes away from my apartment door delivered. I would always see it on and comment on how I couldn't believe there would be someone that ridiculous and lazy. Until one day, I had been out drinking the night before, I was in my pajamas,

The original email is clearly not from a native English speaker - that and his fast willingness to fix things makes me believe the story.

I should have said "aren't meant to run long distances." My google is failing me right now, but I recall reading several articles about the heart damage and physical damage to the body caused by running and training to run marathon and half-marathon distances.

A guy who is a head shoe designer at one of the big companies (though not Vibram) told me that all the "science" behind these shoes is total nonsense. Shoes are designed by graphic designers on the basis of what the sales team says they want, not by any sort of engineer or doctor. I totally believe that these shoes do

Do you know what also has side effects? Morbid obesity.

The people I know who have PhDs will normally introduce themselves as Dr. Lastname, but would never refer to themselves as "a doctor." I would assume that she would refer to herself as "a principal" since that's her profession. But point taken about her replying to Abby's ridiculousness.

Everyone I know who has a PhD refers to themselves as Dr. Lastname when they introduce themselves, but not to themselves as "a doctor" since that seems to be the professional title for a medical doctor - I would assume Holly would refer to herself as "a principal." But I guess my experience is not indicative of what's

Abby is ridiculous, but Holly is also SO pretentious. "You're intimidated by me because I am a doctor." Seriously...what normal PhD in education refers to themselves as "a doctor"?

Thanks for looking into it! I'm glad she's been re-starred.

Could a mod please explain why pennies.allover was unstarred for this? She seems to be talking about exactly what went on in the article, which the majority of us seem to think was the right action for this woman to take - I'm confused about why she lost her star for giving her personal experience.

Stuff like this scares the crap out of me and makes me never want to have kids. I don't think this had to do with bullying though - from the quotes in the article I read from her uncle, he's decided to really play up the bullying, when the quotes from her Facebook and suicide note make it clear she was upset about a