
Good idea, however I would recommend ditching the milk and cool whip for heavy whipping cream so you can beat / whip the mixture until it is as light and fluffy as you want. 


My part of PA has about a 60% vaccination rate and nobody wears their masks in public.

I’m from Indiana, a lot of my family and friends are still there, and while there’s certainly a lot of Midwestern Polite, there’s also a lot of “you can’t tell me what to do” - their vaccination rate is low and their covid rates are high.

Midwesterners are mean, but the paranoia is the worst of it. Back in the 1800s many settlers suffered from “Prairie Fever” - a sort of break-down caused by isolation and bad weather. It resulted in suicides and violence. Even though the landscape has become more crowded, people still have a ‘distance mentality’ which

Warren v. District of Columbia is about civil liability, not criminal. They still have a requirement to follow the law, they just aren’t financially liable if they merely fail to enact their duties to protect and serve the public. This was beyond a failure to act, this was not a dispatcher incorrectly and repeatedly

She’s never been (she’s in her 30's) but loves the idea of Disney Princesses...she’s a gay progressive, she’s just been hesitant because of the J&J debacle. I’ve got her turned-around now, I think; I got the Pfizer vaccine back in March, and the only side-effect was a sore arm on the first dose.

Yeah, my boss is wanting to get vaccinated now so she can go to Disneyworld this summer (which...we’ll see lol), so I might encourage her a bit and offer her a ride. Hey, it’s $25 each, why not?

Upscale resort town in Spain checking in. They. Are. Horrible. I have stopped going to the restaurants at night because I nearly went across the bar at an asshole a while back. They’re just...mean. They are trying to hurt others. They are also NOT our regulars - several staff have commented that these are mostly local

The best thing about getting promoted to management is that now I can call customers out on their shitty behavior; getting snippy with one of my employees? I’ll throw their shit in the trash and tell them to get the fuck out. And if they refuse?

There’s no cure for stupid i guess? People who think a vegan burger is going to be healthier just because its vegan are also likely to be the same people who arent eating a healthy or balanced diet whether or not its vegan.

There are actually some vegetarian/vegan “meats” which are “healthier” if by “healthier” what

Yes, it still works for me. 

It used to, but not anymore. Kindle runs its own timer now and does not need internet access for it. However, once you have the book in Kindle, it does not check in with the library again, it just goes by that timer. So you can return the book to the library and let the next person borrow it, add a new hold, etc,

Yes. I do this with e-books borrowed from my local library via Libby or Overdrive. It allows me to “return” the book sooner to their system for someone else to use (since several libraries use books on a license system) and gives me more time to read it.

The COVID vaccine is an IQ test.

I have less and less sympathy for the unvaccinated who get Covid. They are having big issues in and around Branson Missouri and they interviewed one guy from his hospital room and he blathered on about how he thought he was pretty healthy and didn’t think he needed it and that even if he got it it wouldn’t be that bad

Right? I live alone and once a week I go to the local family run produce/farm market and get corn. For lunch I usually make some sort of fish or shrimp and then I take a cotton (not terry) kitchen towel, wet it, roll one end around the corn, roll the other end around 6-8 spears of asparagus in the other end, plop the

They would own all spaces that would normally belong to a local government.  So, the town hall building and any public parks, streets, etc.

There are a handful of other articles out there on the subject and none of them really get into specifics. But it seems like generally speaking, you own the land and any property not specifically owned by other individuals.

Night mode has been the best thing to help me with my light-triggered migraines, especially when I’m looking at spreadsheets (all those little lines moving around with the bright white background). I just leave it on all the time. I wear glasses regularly and have the blue light filter on those, but have never really