
I feel like possibly the worst part is that those who get disruptively loud and rowdy to the point of rudeness also tend to be out with similarly loud and obnoxious friends, and it almost becomes a competition between them to prove that they are the most fun/are having the most fun, or have the most important thing to

It’s going to hurt them with the “I hate loud, obnoxious people” crowd.

Looks like the other women on board were traveling on the White Whine train.

Blindfold and earmuffs. With glitter. I look stunning.

I’m dying to see your ensemble for Cats!

I love how we’re just throwing Louis CK in there with documented sex criminals now, as if some random hearsay makes it an open-and-shut case.

Who sang it best: Fred Durst, or the guy in charge of recording Rob Durst's hot mic?

So I'm Australian so feel free to bash away, but I am gobsmacked at the "child safety" priorities here. Every day I read on my newsfeed in the US about mass school shootings of children, children shooting each other at home, a 2 year old shooting their mother in Walmart, accidental death of 6 year olds playing with

This baffles me. My conservative Christian in-laws were a little miffed we weren't going to include any prayer in the service, but my ultra-Catholic then 88-year old Nana RAVED about our ceremony afterward. She kept saying, "Oh, it was so unique and special! You know, we're just so used to the same Catholic thing over