
“...without the potential of an NFL career to suppress his behavior, Holtzclaw seemingly became a completely different person.”

Paid leave.

That welfare queen keeps having kids on the state’s dime.

That is some serious herpaderp face

Clover, your reporting is fiiiiiiine but Matt Damon could probably explain it better.

The person from an already over represented demographic isn’t worried about his demo’s representation in media and can’t fathom why demographics, who face prejudice in all aspects of life but particularly media representation, want to at least have adequate media representation.

White women = Jennifer Lawrence

I have a great story that I can’t really tell in detail, but the punchline is an amazing, charitable, smart, successful, well known woman, after being treated dismissively by Donald, turning to him and saying “I knew your father. He was a lovely man. You are nothing like him. You’re a rude, odious man. He would be

It’s their internalized misogyny manifesting as “not like the other girls” syndrome. They’re not the kind of women he’s insulting, obviously, they’re better.

Also correct:


Ugh, some dude did that to me the other night after I was leaving dance class (so, naturally very sweaty and not wanting to be close to other people). The bench on the train I was on was in seats of three. I sit on the one closest to the door, and instead of sitting on the third seat (which happened to have a small

I used to think men in tank tops on planes was about as bad as it could get. Then this past year or so I noticed teen and tween girls wearing full-body footie pajamas like toddlers. Last month coming back from Vegas, I not only saw lot of girls dressed like this, but a grown-ass “Real Housewives” type mom with her

Yes! and I disagree slightly with Madeline on seat rests. The end people have full seat rests on either side so they should allow the middle person both middle seat rests. I have been on too many flights with a man on either side of me taking both seat rests while I scrunch into the middle, miserable. Lately I have

Can we have an open and honest discussion about plane-travel attire?

Also, unless there is an empty seat between you, NEVER push up the dividing armrest. It is down for a reason- my space on this side, your space on that side. This is a sacred and powerful divider. Even if parts of you are spilling under it and squeezing against my thighs, I can pretend that it impossible because the

This is a good one. Leave your shoes on people. Please. Also, stop reading/watching over my shoulder. It’s weird and intrusive.

I’d need to do drugs to watch this, not Chelsea. She is desperately unfunny. I’ve never understood her appeal.

Imagine her and Danielle Staub together. I would voluntarily give up the sense of smell (and I don’t say that lightly. I’m the smell-whisperer of my family)

Chelsea Handler’s “hot take” on racism....? I think I’m gonna pass. Even though I do find the bitch please looks that Loni Love shoots her way every once in a while amusing as hell.