
Oh my God, Jennifer Lawrence, go AWAY. And can someone please fix Reese Witherspoon’s dress? Girl looks like she just recovered from a sneezing fit.

Exactly. She’s like that loud woman at every bar who thinks trash talking and flirting are the same thing...but when it fails miserably, she accuses all the men of being gay, grabs her pleather jacket and stumbles outside to pretend her phone is ringing.

The only thing I want to know is how she managed to sneak by the general population that she stole her entire schtick from Absolutely Fabulous.

Yeah, I just don’t see what other people see in her. Every character she plays is basically “I’m Dead Inside But Required To Have At Least One Tantrum Per Movie To Show Range” (and don’t forget to mess up the hair a bit if she needs to look mid-30s).

Though it wouldn’t shock me if she had ended up playing those roles anyway. Seems like the only thing easier for her than landing those nominations is landing the actual parts, which were obviously meant for much older women.


The last time Jennifer Lawrence played anything other than Jennifer Lawrence was Winter’s Bone. Completely disagree that she’s good at pretending to be somebody else. Meryl Streep is ridiculously talented and her various roles/transformations are proof of that. They’re not even on the same planet.

Right, but Jennifer Lawrence totally deserved yet another cluster of nominations for showing up on set and throwing on a few discount outfits from Marshals. What would the Oscars be without her shrugging and grabbing another statue on her way to pick up pizza? TALENT!

Also, look at the two of them standing next to each other. Kinda puts the whole “beautiful” thing in perspective, doesn’t it? I know people think Anne Hathaway is annoying but...I mean, this is like Demi and Poot Lovato.

*wags finger* Jen, you can’t live your whole life behind your cool-girl mask. You can’t do that. You gotta live in the now...the “now” being that you’re holding yet another award for playing a role clearly meant for a much older woman (I noticed that ageism wasn’t part of your gender equality open letter).

Before I even scroll down to the comments, I’m really hoping there aren’t any that fall into that comfy but infuriating “why didn’t she just leave?” armchair from the corner. This man is clearly a serial abuser...sexually and from what we heard from his mistress, physically...and his family are victims of his

“Ironically, even though black and Hispanic Millennials are less likely to receive financial support from parents, their parents are more likely than white parents to expect their kids to help financially support them later on. According to the Clark poll, upward of 80 percent of black parents and 70 percent of

Ugh, sorry to say this Thanksgiving might qualify.

This is so poignant and effective. He didn’t need to be part of it. This was HER story. He was off with his new girlfriend, barely thinking about her. He made himself a ghost to her and their baby and that’s exactly how she portrays him here.

Ugh. He’s still prettier than me. Even with the chin pubes.

Where’s Jennifer Lawrence’s op-ed piece about equality now?

If it were Carson, he would have used his finger to point to the kid making the burritos and told anyone planning to rob the joint “this is the guy you’re looking for.”

They are all someone’s daughter.

Ya, I genuinely don’t get her. I think she’s a really poor example for all the young girls who worship her. The recent-feminist mantra is clearly BS. Instead of actually befriending women, she just seems to collect accessories. And woe to any of them who dare to touch someone she used to date. Sisterhood