
Never thought I’d see the day where we actually debate whether or not someone is “rape-able.” As if that word is a compliment. “Come on, she is totally worthy of someone forcing her to have sex! She used to be hot, right? I could see someone wanting to humiliate and degrade her in the worst way!”

I actually got a warning at work a few years ago for acting “withdrawn.” I was shocked because my boss knew EXACTLY what was up: a coworker (who loved telling all of us that she abandoned several coworkers during 9/11...seriously) had texted me several times in the middle of the night, asking me to wait for her

I think he must have thought that he had free access to a truck whenever he wanted, because he asked me to use it basically every other week. For two months, I deflected him, always having convenient out-of-town plans on the weekends that would preclude us from trading.

Ok so let me just end my part in this discussion with a quick example that hopefully all of you can understand (though some of you might need to calm the frick down for a hot minute).

“LOOK HOW MUCH FUN I’M HAVING!” is the lonely, insecure person’s life slogan.

Ladies and gentlemen, meet Exhibit A.

Big difference here: my preference to keep my conversation at my table. Your preference to make everyone else listen to yours at top volume, whether they like it or not. Can you guess what the difference is? Your prize is a big spoonful of peanut butter.

I got joy out of that image. Promise

Great! If I ever need to frighten some bears out of my yard, I’ll give you and your baby sis a call. Until then, please find a way to hibernate. #commondecencyhahahaha

News flash: you’re the loud laugher.

I guarantee that if you were ever able to accomplish a laugh that severe, you would make yourself pass out first. So please, be my guest so we can all enjoy ourselves around your unconscious body, Diaphena.

Puns are always a good way to distract from the fact that you have nothing to add to the conversation. Carrie Bradshaw had people fooled for years!

I had a feeling I’d be called a buzzkill for this. But that’s usually what happens when people are too self-centered to notice they’re disturbing others and someone dares to remind them they’re not in a bubble.

Okay, kicking them off the train seems really extreme...BUT I gotta say I can’t stand groups of people who have zero consideration for others with their loud laughing...all races, all genders, all types. It’s obnoxious. I’ve watched entire bars clear out because one or more people think it’s fine to cackle at top

There ABSOLUTELY is such a thing. I was in a friend’s wedding a few years ago and her MOH (sister) was a nightmare. She and the bride’s mother both spoke to us like we were servants all weekend. The day of the wedding, they woke us up at 4am with laminated itineraries which included *notes* underneath each item,

I love you for saying that to your MIL. You’re my hero. Well done in reminding her that you didn’t marry her son in order to be his new mommy. If she raised him to be lazy and entitled, waiting for a woman to come behind him and clean up his mess, she has no room to complain.

Oh my God, I would never speak to that person again, let along give her a gift...especially if she had the nerve to publicly shame me in a group text! What a garbage human being.

What in the HELL?! I can’t imagine how scary it must be to peer into the soul of this woman.

Dying laughing at this:

I lived in Wilmington, North Carolina for years, where they filmed Dawson’s Creek, One Tree Hill, some others shows and a bunch of movies. The TV stars usually bought homes in the area since they were there a lot and a few even showed up to our parties. Here’s the rundown: