
It pissed Woody off. That’s good enough for a chuckle to me.

I remember realizing this might be a thing when I was trying to get pregnant and there was an MTV True Life about adoption on. I thought that if we ever wanted to adopt, no one would pick us unless we lied in our big giant scrapbook you need to sell yourself. We’re Jewish but secular and I’m a lawyer who had no plans

I pretty much decided that if I ever had a kid (and I probably won’t ever have a kid) but if I did have a kid I’d use donor embryos to avoid the health problems that run in my family. I already looked into adoption and I know that my age and income and health issues would make me an undesirable so I figure grafting

Are there any tests that I can ask an ob/gyn to perform on me to tell me this kind of thing now? I’m very much in the maybe/maybe not camp on kids at the moment, and if biology were to decide that for me I want to know that.

Not defective. What you are doing is wonderful. Speaking as an adopted child, you will experience a bond and a love unlike any you’ve ever experienced in your life and that very few people in the world get to know. My mother is no less of a mother because she didn’t birth me herself, is in no way defective, and in no

I came here to say exactly this - I "worked" on getting pregnant from about age 38-40 when I realized that actually making a baby wasn't my goal, being a mother was. We adopted our daughter 10 years ago and not a day goes by where I don't feel grateful that we did it this way. Adoption is not easy, but it's the best

There are two working phone booths down the street from me. It’s weird.

I want to know what these gift certificates are!

I think the real tragedy here is that we will be subjected to another 72 episodes of ‘Big Bang Theory’.

“I’ll be missing the entire concept of the word, the idea of a parent who doesn’t just sacrifice—as all parents must—but also doesn’t hold that sacrifice against their children.”

I do that too. Haven’t found one with a dial tone for over 2 years, but I still pull over and check if I see one.

That 80s power suit combo was the takeaway winner. What a color!

I actually have a picture of my daughter in a real phone booth with the closing door! I took it, oh, maybe 4 years ago at a small amusement park in rural PA. She had no idea what it was for until she went in and saw the phone.—- a ROTARY phone!

Where did she even find a phone booth?

Fun fact: she’s using a Hermes 3000. A Swiss made typewriter. That particular model was made in the mid-through-late 1950s.

But really! This was one of my favorite scenes. Also,”That’s what I do. I drink and I know things.”. Me too Tyrion, me too.

i was clutching my boyfriend’s leg with one hand and had the other alternating between covering my mouth and covering my eyes. i couldn’t handle what i knew was coming.

That scene with the baby...oh god. I asked my husband, “So instead of rape, tonight we’re getting babies and new moms mauled by dogs? FUCKING COOL SHOW.”

I liked Walda and now I'm sad she's dead.