
Me too plus staring at your phone while walking and biking. I’ve taken a spill bc I was distracted admiring scenery and hit a pothole. I do not trust myself to multitask on a bike.

I’m not excusing the Austin police’s actions at all, they should have made every effort to get ahead of her so they established a line of sight, I expressed an opinion that I felt that headphones in public inhibits your senses and makes me feel unsafe. I would be remorse to lump everyone with varying hearing abilities

Chew me out by all means, but I can’t fathom wearing head phones while jogging in public or commuting by bike because i like to be able to hear things around me. Even on protected paths or during 5ks, i don’t enjoy it because I get startled by something in my space that i wasn’t expecting. I love listening to music, I

I find a lot of fitted and bodycon dresses on ASOS (plus cute A line dresses).

Terrible. I’ll take annoying ass reference questions over the creeps any day.

I’ve been banned from my local bar’s trivia night :(

I work at a public library and my department phone number used to be Periodicals, Arts and Recreation, but is now Youth Services. We still have a very sweet elderly lady who calls and asks us the hints on her crossword puzzles.


I have an 11 year old dachshund and that’s my permapuppy.

I thought we already had micro pigs? Or I had already decided they existed when choosing what animals would be at my miniature animal petting zoo.

The worst fever of my life was caused by a spider bite in 2007. I have never been the same since and freak out about spiders. I have had one spider in the car incident and my boyfriend feared for his life (all was fine).

HBO go password (to use forever) and hot tub is a reasonable exchange for me to house and pet sit for free.

Her blush makes me shake my head.

I think I like her current boob job in that they look like they don't defy gravity, but could be the strange hunched sitting pose.

Totally a random fact, but you can have paper allergies and qualify for special library services through my state library because of it.

Morris Bart is sponsoring the Little WeezyAna Fest. Can’t Wait!

Armadillos are the reason we found a cure to Hansen’s disease/Leprosy. It’s highly curable when caught early before it causes irreversible joint/nerve damage. Armadillos are the only other mammals to successfully host the bacteria that causes Hansen’s disease/leprosy. What was the National Leprosarium is located in

You do you, but don’t think you need to lose weight before learning burlesque. There are ladies of all sizes that do burlesque and the main point of the classes is confidence in what you got.

Completely agree that selecting a specific artist is so important. I would never want to go to a stranger unless on the recommendation of my preferred artist or previous clients that I trust and like their ink.

Get it from your library! It shall be a pleasure for your librarian to put in on the holds shelf for you.