You're a wonderful person and your daughter and husband are very lucky.
You're a wonderful person and your daughter and husband are very lucky.
ef the jeans! Don't suppress your awesomeness. Wear whatever you want or change towns until you find the place that won't bat an eye at your handmade and spray painted clothing masterpieces (my personal experience and people may or may not think I'm crazy pants).
I would only do BBQ if our wedding was in my boyfriend's hometown and it was a particular restaurant. Really good BBQ and I've had stuff from events they've catered before. But the BBQ is for the mister and the seafood is for me.
My dream wedding food is seafood and BBQ. Everyone will need a wedding bib and moist towelettes.
omg- so excited, I sent this story in as a tip. Could be total coincidence, but this is the first time something I sent in as a tip was reported on. Whoooooooooooooooooo!
Some of the men restrooms in my local public libraries have changing stations. Mainly the new bldgs vs the old.
So true! I love that my mom's Sunday school class has a call list for prayer requests and I get to listen while she calls 10 other ladies to gossip about what happened to someone or someone's adult fuckup child.
I love talking to older people and hearing their life stories. My grandpa was a farmer born in 1905 and lived to be 102! He was the oldest of 9 and rode a horse to school before my family got a model T and he drove everyone else. We would call him every Sunday and talk about the weather. Now I'm a total weirdo who can…
She has more than one tone deaf song ?! Color me impressed.
I do not wash my hair everyday and I also like to be my own colorist. I'm going on close to 20 years of doing this and I've only had to grow out my hair once from absolutely destroying it. I do go to professionals for really complex things like white blonde hair and getting a perm once (it was magnificent). I have an…
I call em David muscles! I got a hands on informative session from a personal trainer friend that it's just really where your lower abs meet your hip flexors.
It's stupid expensive and it would really be nice to spend the money on other things I need, but it's definitely worth it for getting me to make a lifestyle change. I'm halfway thru my contract (tomorrow's an assessment day!) and I think I'll be ready to be accountable to myself by the end. But if I could afford it,…
My big life decision was to hire a personal trainer because I need an exercise babysitter. I need that person to push me and the thought of wasted money on skipped appointments gets my ass outta bed and to the gym. For an extra $25, the trainer would come to me, but then I'd have to make sure to pick up all my stuff…
That first move is for obliques. I only know bc I broke down and got a trainer who also introduced me to the box things that I was terrified of. I've only made it to middle size, but that's better than I thought I could do.
Compromise- epossumondas
I love possums and their weird fatty eyes. They can be very docile. The zoo in my city does an outreach program on wetlands animals, and lemme tell ya, I'll take an opossum over a nutria or raccoon any day.
not purses, FANNY PACKS- the shinier, the better.
It's opossum!
I do wear bike shorts too, but just when I actually ride my bike and I can pull em off after. Otherwise I feel like I sweat even more (hello swamp in my pants that leads to other unfortunate skin issues).
I'll give you my plus size product beauty tip- body glide on my inner thighs because I live in the South and I only wear skirts and dresses. Changed my life.