Laura Wagner Martinez

How heartbreaking to see his long-sought parents turn away from him again. It will be fascinating to see this develop further in the second season.

Catholicism teaches that each person has a soul from the moment of conception. It is the same for disabled or not.

I think U.S. Catholics know Padre Pio's name. I certainly do, and my husband did.

I agree with you. Another variation, his mother dreamed him running around in Pope robes as a little boy and was "told" somehow his path was without the parents, and she woke from the dream and was scared. Or it was some other miracle, as you said, that preceded the healing of the innkeeper's wife.

No one has mentioned the way the episode ended: Lenny's mother's face filling the screen and the sound of her breathing heavily as the credits ran. I thought she sounded fearful. Is this another memory. Are we getting closer to the reason why he was dropped off at the orphanage? It also has seemed to me that the