I don't like butter

Q: What’s the easiest way to end up with $1,000,000?

Oh please, oh please...

Because I was 5 when it started and my brother threatened me, he told me I’d be an orphan.
Then when I was grown I went to my mother and she said I was a whore and if I told the police about my brother, she would tell them I was a liar and a whore.


Because “nothing” really happened. Because I wanted to move on. Because after telling a few people immediately, it was clear that nothing could or would be done.

Because I’m still afraid to admit to myself and others that my ex-husband sexually abused me.

Because I got away, I convinced myself there was nothing to report. I convinced myself that because it was attempted rape, not completed, no one would care. I didn’t tell anyone for 4 years and even then I played it off as not a big deal. We tell ourselves all kinds of things so that we don’t have to be a victim. I

I was 10. I was afraid of him. I knew that if I said anything to anyone, he’d kill me or them. Two weeks later my grandfather died, and I thought that meant he found out and so it was my fault. Then my dog died, ditto. Once you feel responsible for the death of your grandfather and your dog at age 10 you learn to keep

I regret that I have but one star to give these comments.  The problem is getting worse with these dirt bag bullet points. They can’t even be bothered to write a single full sentence anymore.

I guessed Jeff Goldblum, but Will Smith’s part actually makes more sense. If you can’t picture it, then you’re probably imagining Before Sunrise/Reality Bites Ethan instead of Gattaca/Training Day Ethan.

Good for Kyle. I’ve been known to use Kelly’s anthems as workout music. Music is an underrated exercise aid. It can really help you power through a tough workout.

If anything, we repeatedly, persistently downplay just how bad the assault and harassment are because we don’t want to be blamed and know that people will find a way to take the guy’s side.

A) Tremonti is a Canadian treasure and the only person worth listening to on CBC Radio anymore. She is intelligent, informed, pushes back and doesn’t allow any bullshitting.

Yep, I was 11 the first time I was sexually harassed by older neighborhood boys while riding my bike. I don’t think women or girls are the ones who need it explained to them. We live it every day.

Listening to this is INFURIATING. Aside from his epic bad takes, MacArthur keeps talking over her, monopolizing the entire conversation, just as you would expect from a man used to being in a position of power. He’s such a colossal dick.

Right. It’s not women who are confused about the difference between harassment and assault. Most of us learn that first hand, at very young ages, a lesson which is repeated often enough so that there’s really no opportunity to forget.

You know, I believe him when he says he is one of the finest people he knows. Have you seen the scum he hangs around? Bars not set real high. 

With all of my heart, I hope Ford has a fantastic support system.

Besides that, I just love the idea that Trump wants us to believe that he actually knows Kavanaugh enough to vouch for his character, and didn’t just read his phonetically-spelled name off a sheet of paper placed on his desk by the conservative gnomes that run the oval office.

“Judge Kavanaugh is one of the finest people that I’ve ever known,”