
K no bio kids for me thank you please

Ugh I hate this. I mean, as much as I worship Janelle, this perpetuates the myth that sex is some kind of “reward” for men from women. That it’s a weapon for women, something to be withheld from men until they have proven themselves worthy. This makes sex entirely about what men want & doesn’t acknowledge that I’m a

I sing the theme song of Ally McBeal into my toothbrush a lot, sometimes naked, sometimes sitting on the toilet. If someone ever hacks my webcam they are gonna have a lot of fun.

This is too real

Thank you for making me realize that everything I masturbate to is like SO vanilla

How the fuck is it possible that we created a world in which that kind of BAT SHIT CRAZINESS is allowed to exist? How? I just don’t get it.

Fuck you amazon

Are you crazy? Donald Trump doesn’t deserve the satisfaction of having slept with me, even if he had the hotness of ten khal drogos! That is a joy reserved for non-dictators.