Laura M. Sands

Jesus didn’t write not one word of the Bible, not did he commission anyone else to do so on his behalf. Please also note that the passages you submitted are not quoting him. For you to say he was cool with the slavery thing, I would expect better evidence. It may help your case to support your statement with his exact

Here’s the problem, though. Some men become so outraged even during such a simple introduction that they become violent. It’s happened to me when simply turning a guy down for a dance at a club and I’m a straight cis-gendered woman! Also, we’re not taking into account here that trans-women do not feel like “trans”

If I need cash in a hurry from my PayPal account, I usually just request cash back when shopping at a brick-and-mortar retailer using my PayPal debit card. A few times, I’ve used made withdrawals at an ATM. PayPal doesn’t charge a fee for either, but I always get a fee from the ATM owner if I use the latter.

I freelance and 100% of my clients pay online. Depending upon how an individual client pays, it is either deposited into a checking account or a PayPal account. I’ve had occasions where I’ve made a purchase for someone or covered person’s share of a meal using my PayPal debit card only to have them later pay me back

This happened to us in Ponce, Puerto Rico. Spent most of the evening in the hotel's casino, then hung out by the pool/bar where we met some really nice people who gave us a pizza (they'd ordered one too many). When we got sleepy, we headed back to our car and camped out in the parking lot. Was great if you don't count

Hi FridayFriday, no, most of the apps do not offer streaming content and most do not require a cable subscription. Once you purchase the Roku, you do not have to subscribe to anything else in order to enjoy the free content offered there. Exceptions to this include apps like Netflix, Hulu, AmazonPrime and a few

Carol? Is that you? We've already established that that's not how we do things here. ~ Rick (lol)

And let's not forget to mention that the doctors got it despite using every precaution they were trained to use and it's a mystery how they still managed to get sick. I believe that it has either mutated or was transmitted through air by droplets.

How sanitary is it? I'm something of a germaphobe and even with water and detergent, I question whether putting the remnants of a raw fetus in my wash is healthy.

Uva Ursi (herb) is wonderful for preventing UTIs. I've never taken it by itself, but I read a lot on it after doing a kidney/bladder cleanse (I did the herbal mixture by Dr. Schulze...Google it to learn more). Had previously suffered from no less than two UTIs per year for over a decade, but haven't even had one since

RuckRuck, I recommend Mother's Friend. Smells awful, but has worked for women in my family for generations. I suggest getting the oil (which I think is actually labeled as a lotion) instead of the cream. The cream smells a lot better, but I'm not sure how well it works. The oil (lotion), on the other hand, I can