
They named the child. They knew what was coming. The child was alive outside the womb briefly. While an abortion, this was a (necessary) loss of life and a loss for them. This still was their child. This is the only tangible recording of this experience. This is heartbreaking, depressing, and a loss known by too

While you personally might not *share* photos like these, it is not that unusual to have photographers document these occasions. Photos can help the family grieve, process, and remember. Having the “ceremony” of a photographer can feel like it’s giving gravity and respect to the life of the child and the significance

I would say ultra Orthodox is worse. The below is behind a paywall, but the headline tells the story.

You’re actually not allowed to just kick people who are walking in front of you.

Pecora should file charges. I doubt anything would stick because you can’t actually see the kicks unless there’s video from another angle.

Did I side-eye her getting into that relationship? Yes, but she’s an adult and can make her own choices. I, myself included, dated men who were older at her age, and I would not have appreciated being mocked ruthlessly and judged by women who were ‘concerned’ for me. I certainly would not have listened to the

They say that if you listen closely, you can actually hear Peter Thiel opening his checkbook... 

When a pharmaceutical company is the voice of reason. Blech.

Love how the sheer arrogance of this guy gets slowly stripped away as he realizes he’s been caught.

If you’re saying that you don’t recognize a VAST difference in maturity, decision-making, coping skills, etc between 18 and 33 then you’re only telling on yourself. 18 may be ‘legal’, but it’s still dating as close as you can to an actual child without breaking the law.

The Robin Daggers reference I was hoping for. Now I can get back to my friday.

Cool Girl is back, and she has an update for the 2020s.

As a former Catholic, I’m starting to regard “nice, decent Catholics” the same way I do “nice, decent Republicans.”

It will only add fuel to the fire that her husband should resign or be impeached.

Sir, this is a Wendy’s......

These folks are scared by a little chalk on a public sidewalk, and peaceful protestors outside their homes? They should spend an hour inside an abortion clinic and see what staff and patients go through at the hands of aggressive, angry, virulent mobs of pro-forced-birth crazies.

When coming back from a movie at the mall, the late Mr Reyes and I would walk past the Abercrombie & Fitch and say our usual thing:

Well gosh, that doesn’t sound manipulative at all.

“If anything, it represents the worst parts of American history, in terms of the cost, the hiring practices, the images” says one employee-turned-plaintiff in White Hot.