
I don’t think Trump remembers Rwanda

The expression “blood is thicker than water” originally meant that the bond between comrades is stronger than family, as in bathing in the blood of your enemies is a pretty powerful bonding experience, and it has been bastardized into meaning the exact opposite.

The only reason the police even came out was because of that dog, not this family’s mental health or personal safety. If this family had found the swatsika on their house or car, they probably wouldn’t have been taken seriously by the police. The sad reality is a lot of white people in this country actually value


Throw them in a drawer, and then go protest the fascists who wish to turn our country into an Apartheid state.

I knew that Ed Sheeran motherfucker was gonna be trouble the first time I laid eyes on him.

The world isn’t binary and I think you’re missing some depth and subtlety in these issues. However, I agree that a lot of people who are supporting this doxxing would be outraged if it was being done to the counter-protesters (and I expect that it is, but I don’t have the energy to poke my head into 4chan today).

“As a white nationalist, I care for all people,” Cvjetanovic said. “We all deserve a future for our children and for our culture. White nationalists aren’t all hateful; we just want to preserve what we have.”

Couple of things:

This was added to their EAV facebook as well:

The first response is violent confrontation? How incredibly uncharacteristic of police and the powers they prefer to use.

Sad thing is Kim is happy in his little Hermit Kingdom while Trump needs the whole world to pay attention to him.

This is great. David please forward me the contact information for the new owners. I am looking for a safe and quite place to have events for my motor loving friends. I am thinking a schedule like this. Hours would be 5 pm to midnight or later.

  • This person just hits all the Conservative checkpoints.

Thus answering the question I didn’t realized I had, “if you put a sociopathic technocrat in a a room with nothing but a word processor and the sound of his own voice, what would he write?”

Yeah, she’s a bit... loopy, herself. But the place is sound, on cat advocacy, and their facilities for taking care of those rescued cats (as well as ensuring the safety of their staff and visitors) are superb.

I’ve been a vegetarian for seven years, foster for a no-kill cat rescue, and am not personally a big fan of PETA.

I will leave the definitive word on such matters to Doris Day:

i'll allow it so long as you incorporate "donkey sauce" in a way that does not disappoint.

I volunteer as tribute. I love Guy Fieri and I will not be kink shamed by you vanilla flavorless weirdos.