
Good Lord, really? So you "feel bad," so what? Don't watch the show, or go and spend time with people who don't like the show. There's so much good TV out there I don't know why you'd do it, but it's your life. But "this show makes me feel bad therefore anybody who found meaning in it is bad" is exactly why I started

I have actually encountered this: men who've learned to spout all the ideals of feminism, but scratch the surface and it's "all women are hoors who want to have lots of babies and should really be in the kitchen" etc. I think they just learn to disguise their real attitudes under a safe "I love women" wrapper.

Headline a year or two from now: "Paul Feig did a lousy thing therefore all of his work is terrible and you are terrible for liking it."


Thank you.

Click clicker clickbait.

Oh good Lord above can we quit with these thinkpieces already?

Candle Cove is my personal fave. Someday I'd like to make a web series using that basic idea. I love when kid shows tread the line between cute and terrifying (Return to Oz, I'm looking at you).

Exact same comment, totally different article, six days ago. Fascinating.

Ha. Accurate.

Cigarettes too. I've never smelled so much cigarette smoke as I do walking around Seattle streets at night.

It's very real. I'm a seattleite and Jake is a friend of friends. We're all pretty proud of him (except for the Trump supporters I know, they're pretty pissed that his "free speech" was infringed on by not letting him scream in people's faces.)

Man, the whole "Skynet becoming self aware" thing was going to happen 20 years ago this year, according to the T2 timeline.

Yeah, exactly. There will never be world peace, and human beings will always be awful to each other. Best we can hope for is that we live through one of the less unstable times in history, but even in the most stable of times, life is still a very tough thing to deal with.

There's a long, interesting history of how humankind has viewed eclipses. Truth is, up until recently, they were universally seen as a bad omen. We'll see if this bears out, of course, because either way we're going to live through whatever happens next.

I'm game for a countdown. We'll nestle it in between "two things" and OF COCK.

Same, dude. Same.

Despite the new account, I've been involved with the AVC since the Manic Pixie Dream Girl phrase was coined. This comment section got me through some lonely days. Nothing lasts forever, but I do want to say thanks y'all for being one of the last few sane places left.

It has been, indeed, most. Very much most.

Well, you responded to me telling a guy we needed to pay attention, and your response was it had nothing to do with politics or the lasrger world and we're all exaggerating everything anyway. What were you saying if not that?