
I mean, that's part of the whole reason we're here. This stuff spirals. And it could have been nipped in the bud but nope, it continues to spiral. But you're the one complaining that we're getting Nazis in your cartoons or whatever; you're perfectly free to keep watching TV while all this is going on.

Maybe. Maybe we're all freaking each other out. Nazis hold open rallies in this country every day and the president always gets behind that. It's all totally normal and just the same as it ever was. Best go back to watching Rickand Morty, everyone's alarmed over nothing.

Because if this continues to spiral, the whole country is fucked. We should probably all be aware of what's going on at this point - and if we don't want to know, we don't click, right?

If he literally, actually said "I'm glad she got killed," then he's wrong to do so. I'm not making this about party, because when you do that you align yourself with people like Donald Trump and Nazis, as you have been doing. You're upset that someone said she's dead because you see her as a political football, you

You're talking about my entire family: my mom, my dad, my sister and brother, my aunts and uncles, my cousins. You're also talking about nearly everyone I knew as a kid. Maybe you could cut off your whole family and your entire history never speak to any of them again. That's not something I can do.

Those "peaceful protestors" were chanting "blood and soil" and "Jews will not divide us" -

Exactly. I don't know what we're still shocked about all this stuff. He's not saying anything the majority on the right don't already believe.

Oh, this is that guy? Yeah, fuck him.

Charisma of a wet dishrag. No massive support from a large section of the country. His ideas are crazy but not many other people would back him; he's even less likely to get them done and waaaay less likely to be re-elected.

They totally had a permit when they showed up with bats, mace, and wearing riot gear, and then ran over some people. Good for them, right?

We had that with the Access Hollywood tape, though. It just amounted to a lot of hemming and hawing, and at the end of the day they still voted for him then. I bet you they'll still back him now.


I mean, of course he was referring to AntiFa. The issue is that he was blaming the things the Nazis did on AntiFa, and defending the Nazis as just some guys trying to preserve their heritage. And Trump's right, that's their claim, the Nazis. It's part of what they were chanting. The other things they were chanting?

Yup, this times a thousand. Most Trump supporters will tell you AntiFa are terrorists and way worse than Nazis. This is why his support is staying at about the same level.

He's really not. This isn't a dog whistle calculated call. This is Trump 1) unable to admit he's wrong 2) unable to keep his mouth shut when he has an opinion 3) unable to say a bad word against somebody who loves him and gives him applause. Nothing to do with anything but himself, like everything else about him.

Trump's camp actually tried to claim that as a victory last night, it just got lost in the shuffle. You see, Kim Jong Un instead of firing decided he'd "wait to see what the US would do." And since we're doing nothing, Un isn't firing on Guam. Therefore we win. That was seriously their claim, I am not making that up.

Tried it already; it's a waste of time. They see the media as exaggerating everything. They still think Hillary would have been worse, no matter what. And they claim that they don't condone the sexual assault stuff or the Nazi stuff. But they still stand by him. Always will. Republicans fall in line. It's what they do.

He didn't, actually. He said one side was defending a statue from being torn down. That was the Nazis. He said the other side came with sticks and bats. Not true; that was the Nazis. He's saying he's defending both sides, but listen to him all the way through. He clearly lands on the side of the Nazis.

Steve Bannon. No, really, he said so in this same press conference.

Some of these guys are partisans, but the people I'm talking about aren't even that. They think all politicians do it, including Hillary, but at least Trump does it in the open. They think it's "I got mine, screw you"; they admire Trump for doing it and are trying to do it themselves. It's awful, their mindset, and