
Gawker media is all the less for your departure Pinkham! Count at least one more regular at Wonkette.

Yeah, I think Pinkham’s been had.

I’ll bite. The Holly Jameson story reads like bad fan fiction, or tales of bravado from 9-year olds. Maybe my heart is jaundiced, or maybe Jimmy Kimmel has ruined the Internet, but I’m calling a big, emphatic “fake” on that story.

Black forest ham and Cooper Sharp on Pumpernickel with a nice hot Dusseldorf mustard.

Except, have you seen how unnatural a modern chicken is?

Semantics. There isn’t really a right answer without defining our terms. To me she was paid to recieve the tip onstage and so it’s like she was paid to appear in a thatrical performance. If Martin Scorsese does a film that involves the delivery of a pizza, and he uses an actual delivery person in the scene, then gives

I don’t think publicity negates it being a tip. It negates any selfless aspect to the now lauded tippers, but it’s still a tip.

Evil occasionally does something that appears good, but it is still evil. I could’ve used Genghis Khan or the BTK Killer or Stalin. Point remains.

Now playing

I think this is a good video about how awful it can be.

I’m sure an SS officer occasionally stopped to pet a dog too.

“So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full.”

You don’t need to feed your Jesus statue. He’s already..

They never took a doggie bag home and they never touched Golem Jesus’s meal.

I’ve been working on improving my cooking skills for the past year. This resulted in a very tearful conversation with my husband, where I had to explain that if I was going to spend 8 hours in the kitchen making ravioli from scratch at his request, he could at least take a fucking bite before drowning it in Sriracha.


I’ve finally given in and looked up Bruce Jenner at Wikipedia to figure out why I’m seeing this name all over the place. Another one of those people who suddenly became famous for no reason I could see. Then I had to look up Chris Jenner. Then I saw the name Kardashian and stopped looking. I accept that family is

Just this one, I think:

My husband and I both work, but we don't make a lot of money. At one point, when it was just me working, we made $37 too much to qualify for food assistance.

Wait, did they show a commercial strongly refuting the notion that their food contains tortured, screaming souls? This honestly would not surprise me.