Laura E.

Nobody comments here any more, it's too crowded.

The scenes with the wife and husband made me bawl. I wonder if that will be the final MOTW. Would make sense as a,way to wrap things up, not just for what the Wesen does but because they were 2 cases Nick, Hank, and Wu had to let go

But why didn't Randall give Beth a heads-up he was quitting? That's a big step to take.

Damn, I hadn't even thought of that.

Me too! I can't keep these Russian guys straight.

I completely forgot about Misha.

Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bank, and of having nothing to do: once or twice she had peeped into the book her sister was reading, but it had no pictures or conversations in it, `and what is the use of a book,' thought Alice `without pictures or conversation?' And then the

I now want to read GWTW with Scarlett as a serial killer.

When he said that, all I could picture was Ben Wyatt punching the guy in the bowling alley

That scene alone made this the best episode thus far.

I'm Betsy Toughlove, a rich widow with a terrible secret.

I noticed a real lack of Kate McKinnon, other than the cold open and her Conway cameos. Has she ever been in that little of an episode?

Thanks! Shame AVC can't be more upfront about this.

I don't think I could have dealt with Furguson leaving Winston for good. Would have been devastating.

So reviews just ended with no explanation?

I think Rosalee's ob/gyn said triplets later on.

That dream was funny but true. A fox and wolf should have a litter of at least 6 babies. Rosalee and Monroe are getting off easy.

I'm keeping this episode on my DVR whenever I need an ugly cry.

Best episode of the season and an all-time Grimm classic. I don't know who made me laugh more, Hank or Diana.

I enjoyed this episode a lot. Always great to see Victor Garber, and Peyton Manning has real comic timing. Would be fun to see him again.