Laura E.

I'm hoping for a 13-episode final season next year. I want it to have a chance to wrap up properly.

I feel it gets slammed because it's seen as "stealing" the AOTY that year from Beyonce. Morning Phase could be seen in some respects as a career award—I agree he has much better albums. But I was glad as a fan he won that year and upset Kanye diminished that achievement.

I'd like to see Lady Gaga record a metal album.

He looks like if Fred Armisen as Prince and real Prince mated

I hope it's better than S2.

She's my favorite this year, so pity about the spoiler but great otherwise.

Well, Mr. Collins didn't get to marry Elizabeth. But as a duke he now outranks Darcy.

Mike was so cute with the baby. I really enjoyed everything with him and Frankie.

I love the phrase "non-proposal cactus picnic" more than I can say.

They're the Marshall/Lily or Chandler/Monica of CEG, hopefully.

I like when shows remember their history (which seems silly to say, admittedly, about a show that's hasn't been on long). He was important to the show. Though I'm hoping next season the focus is on Rebecca and not the men in her life/past.

Yeah, I've been noticing that too. We need a Carrie-centric episode.

I loved that too. A moment before I thought she might be wesen, but then she didn't woge, so it was a nice twist.

I have to disagree—I did feel this episode was rushed and not especially funny. But I do like the idea of Rebecca having three friends supporting her next year, and that they remembered Greg existed.

There's always been the violence, but with Ragnar it made sense. Now it just seems like the show doesn't know what it's doing.

I think I'm done with Vikings. Made it through this season, but the show simply isn't the same without Ragnar/Fimmel. Losing Linus Roache makes things even less compelling. Plus the past few episodes have gone to the sex and violence well too many times. Ragnar's acts of violence felt purposeful, but the last 2

Yeah, I was only half watching. The scene with Saul and his sister was good but I don't understand why Quinn is Rear Windowing.

This is a rare piece of good news from the past week. Thank you NBC.

I was expecting the husband to woge at some point. Also, I could really use Diana in the kitchen.

I was really struck by the way the final scene was shot, with the camera pulling back and the window framing everyone like a TV.