Laura E.

Hey, it was good enough for the Lorelai Gilmore the First.

Ilegal Foreigners?

They're in the fall by now. That meta song about Nathaniel mentioned "this late in the season, and by this late, I mean fall." Also, the Santa Ana winds typically hit in late fall. So I think we're supposed to be in October. Though in that case, when exactly did Paula start law school? Are there law schools with

The only outside proof we have is the video introducing the Medium Place.

Yeah, we have no indication that the points system exists in real Good Places. Also, does this mean there are presidents other than Lincoln there?

Mike Schur did this with Parks and B99. I trust him with this. But NBC better not fuck up.

And she kept saying "We have to go back!" like Jack

I am in awe of how Michael Schur and everyone else on the staff made the twist work. The last time I was this blown away by a twist on a comedy was "My Screwup" on Scrubs.

A bit ironic that in an episode featuring Allyson Felix, someone wins a race in a less-than-sportsmanlike way. #teamrachel #idonthaveateambutsheseemscool

Though they did both feature clowns.

I was kind of frustrated with this episode. The title was "Carrie Dates a Hunk," but her role in the plot was minimal. It should have been called "Fred Makes It All About Himself When Carrie Dates a Hunk." What about men, indeed.

It's oddly sweet that Diana seemed to want to impress but not scare Monroe and Rosalee with her abilities.

We don't know how Tahani died, do we? I may have forgotten.

Eleanor was right. She was a medium person.

Also why is the neighborhood still mad at her? It's been weeks since the sinkhole and since Eleanor caused any damage that I can recall.

Development! Reagan was at Cece's surprise office warming and didn't question why.

Agreed. The lack of Valencia in this episode stuck out.

Oh, I hope not. But it makes sense if this is a really dark season.

That plus the line about never hearing of chicken soup without matzo balls. I appreciated the double dose of Rebecca's Jewishness.

Dreamland shout out!