
point being that it wasn't a thread running through the whole series.

Yeah because gay people are always acting gay! You can always tell! LOL! RIGHT?

that's my experience. I never put much thought into his sexuality until it related to the story. I "read" him as asexual if anything.

It's a thing, I guess. Reading the books, it seemed obvious but I thought I was just projecting. If you're gay, you notice it. If you're not gay, you need to take a moment, like when your favorite uncle finally comes out. Some get over the moment, and some start throwing the cranberry sauce.

I'll admit I never thought Dumbledore was gay, but then again I never considered the sexuality/relationship status of any of the characters unless a relationship was mentioned.

They have claymores.

It's almost as if gay people can be gay without it being a huge defining trait in their personality and/or storyline.

can anybody tell me: should we be worried about Scottish independence? Like, do they have nukes or something?

I like it when guys brag about how much money they make, because it let's me know to stay the fuck away from them.

Insulting her for her looks is really just an insult to himself because he found her attractive enough to get this conversation going in the first place. What a dum-dum.

I don't know, around the "You're an Account Manger" line I probably would have hung on just to see what was coming next. You can't even be mad at this shit, it's too fun watching him crash and burn.

Just...bro...STOP TALKING! What on earth?? You say "you can put my meat in your mouth" then say SHE'S disrespecting you?? I've never seen such desperation. If she's so hideously fat with alien eyes, why'd you swipe right in the first place? Take your 32k and buy yourself something pretty, broseph. You deserve it after

...and sammich making machines. ;-)

ah but you forget - men have futures and careers whereas we're just baby making machines...

Perhaps the fetus had a gun. Did you ask yourself that? What if the Fetus had a knife. We must lock that school DOWN.

Obviously she didn't pray enough.

Seriously? Why so many police for a no-longer-living fetus? Was this a terrorist fetus?

Because Jesus?

freaking numnutz, how could she carry full term if she had a misscariage? ? For the love of science.