Stories like this are why I fully support and would actually pay to have Texas secede from the United States. They bring down the rest of the country and infect us all with their backwards, redneck ignorance. I fucking hate Texas. I hate that they actually write the textbooks that inform our children and thereby…
Thank you and good luck with staying okay with who you are at the moment—that's a better state of being than many others with depression can claim. For whatever reason, I do keep hanging in, though I agree, for a person suffering from depression, that's one of the most aggravating phrases a person could hear, aside…
As someone who not only is currently suffering from major depression, which began thanks to a chronic pain condition and was exacerbated by the recent death of my mother, and is a member of a family with a history of suicide (a cousin committed suicide only last year), I can say I've had my fair share of suicidal…
I went to three different middle schools, one in NC, two in central Fl, and two different high schools, one in central FL and, the one I eventually dropped out of, in small-town CO. So I share your pain. However, I wasn't personable enough to be noticed as the new kid, so I just hugged the walls and prayed to get…
As a Florida native who's escaped the dong of America, I can only sigh along with Linda, tireless public servant. And agree with her assessment of Florida—they have a lot of interesting names there.
Mental image of a confused penis? Funniest damn thing that will ever pop into one's mind.
I want the little dude in the hat, too. That grunt of exasperation when told there was a second 'On' switch at the back of the computer was precious, but when he was typing his name to see if the computer would do anything, the director(?) starts to talk, and the kid holds up his hand with that, "Nah, nah, nah,"…
Holy Hannah, yes, this is exactly me as well. *sigh*
I got the pistol for Christmas last year. If the person who gave it to me wasn't halfway across the country, I, too, would've kissed them. Instead, I spent five minutes hyperventilating in shock and pleasure.
This is one of those dresses that looks better in motion. When you see it here, as Jennifer is strutting her stuff, the pleats no longer look awkward and the beading doesn't look s though it's dragging the fabric down. Not to mention the pic was taken at a better angle, so the hip-height line of the beading actually…
You're right, this is a topic of some debate, with many researchers separating female ejaculation and squirting. In many publications, female ejaculation is the release of a thick whitish substance in small quantities which comes from the prostate gland, while squirting is the release of a clear and abundant fluid…
Now I have even more incentive to win the damned lottery! My inner avarice meter is going off the charts with this tub.
Who makes this tub of awesomeness? A tub that combines a sensual design with the summertime laziness of a hammock, creating a tub that no human will ever exit voluntarily, thus creating a new species of tub-living humanoids, Homo habita lava dolium. Must have this tub!
I'm envious. I used to experience things when I was younger. We had a family ghost called Herbie who hung around us for years, constantly pulling pranks like flushing the toilet, moving things, slamming doors, etc. All the classic poltergeist things, but in a friendly way. When I was really little, I can remember…
Woo-hoo, I'm not alone in my loneliness! Wait... that seems contradictory. *scratches head* I'm going to have to think about that one for a minute. But, hot damn, it's nice to know I'm not the only miserable, pathetic virgin around- wait, that's assuming you're as miserable and pathetic as I, which is rather rude…
You cannot feel like or even be an awkward loser until you are a 36-year-old virgin like me. Who only had her very first kiss last year at the age of 35. Who, apparently, actively repels men and will most likely die alone and undeflowered. Or, at the very least, become the female version of the 40-year-old virgin. …
My mother was that way when I asked her questions she couldn't answer: "I don't know, but let's find out." Or "I think it's this, but I could be wrong." Either answer encouraged me (and by extension her) to explore and discover. I can't remember having any teacher that encouraged me the same way, sadly. Of…