
Actually, Armani is all over the board, it seems like, when it comes to the inspiration for this collection, from early 20th century Poiret and Chanel, to 1920's flapper chic, 30's slink and elegance, 40's shoulders, 50's beatnik, even some 60's funk and 70's/80's flash. The 1930's tomboy is only a very small part of

Yes, Melissa's a big woman and yes, she has limited options, but those options don't include dressing her in something that does nothing to enhance her natural beauty. We're not talking about the fact that she "has the gall to be fat" and isn't some "emaciated praying mantis." If you'd actually pay attention to

That is officially my new catchphrase: "Hot dodo, I'm starving."

At this point, I'm too old to care anymore. I mean, the last time I went out on a date, neither one of them asked who the guy was, what he did, what his name was, whether or not he was an axe-murderer. You know, any of the typical questions a concerned father or brother would ask of a daughter/sister they even

While I don't want to take anything away from your experience, which was, frankly, a horrible thing to go through at such a vulnerable and impressionable age—your father and cousin were incredible assholes to do that to your confidence—at least you received some kind of acknowledgement from the males in your family,

I have a natural "Barbie," or as close to one as nature can get, but I'm fat. So does having the one make up for being the other when it comes to men and sex?

These are wonderful and, yes, so very real. Nothing against b&w photography, but it does create a distance between the image and the viewer. Here, you can see everything, from the painted nails to the colors of their clothing, even the bags under their eyes. These photos make these women real, not just WWII

You're not alone.

Is this any different from Hulk Hogan oiling his daughter's ass or taking covert picture of her and commenting on how fine her legs look? Between the Hogans and Courtney, I feel so unbelievably creeped out.

This is totally not the point of this post, but did anyone else notice that Sean Penn didn't answer young Mr. Bradley Cooper's question? Instead, he went off on some random, pretentious tangent about the movie versus the play. But Cooper's oh-so-intense, "Yes, Sean Penn, your words are just golden drops of wisdom

I'm literally crying, I'm laughing so hard over the last one.

I should hope not. Who in their right mind would? Oh, right, us weirdos who would like to raise healthy adults who learned early on the rights and responsibilities of sex, including the right to feel good about our bodies and our sexual feelings. Once again, that statement reflects on your mindset. Poorly, I might

If you're uncomfortable with sexualizing anything related to small children, perhaps that reflects more on your mindset than anything else. The more children know about sex and its consequences, and the earlier they are told, the better prepared they are for later sexual encounters. Despite conservative

I think this would be a great sex ed tool, for both sexes. Have the girls endure it so that hopefully they will be disabused of the notion that being a teenage mom is cool, and have the boys endure it so they can understand just what happens after a little fucking around, especially the "Ah, come on, baby, it feels

I'm sorry, reviewers like Newman don't need a black ReviewerCard, they need black masks... and capes and a pistol or two, because they're the equivalent of highway robbers. "Give me all your good stuff, or else!" This is just wrong on so many levels and it just goes to show the sense of entitlement ingrained in this

I was bored in high school due to the lack of intellectual stimulation; actually, I was bored during most of my school career as I was always too advanced for my class. My parents wanted to move me up a year somewhere around the 3rd grade, but were talked out of it by idiotic school bureaucrats who claimed I would be

I think cats get a bad rap as being aloof and, well, willing to eat you when you die. Mine, a black ball of floof named Ramses, would not know how to handle the world without me. He's not clingy, but he is very aware of where I am every moment of the day. He's quite a mama's boy. In fact, when I go upstairs, I'm

"So, what's for dinner?" ;)

After that "meal"? Quite possible.

Not to be pedantic, but a vomitorium isn't a room for vomiting. A vomitorium is a passage or pathway through which large crowds can safely and quickly exit a stadium or arena.