
Okay? I actually agree with all of the things you said here. I agree that not shipping everything cross-country with trains is nuts, that the commercial semi trucks are an environmental nightmare nobody seems willing to address, and that America is a comparatively small CO2 and pollution emitter compared to Asia,

Singapore has *AMAZING* public transportation. You can literally come from anywhere and go everywhere within a few blocks for a reasonable amount of money; cheaper than driving actually regardless of fees and taxes.

I am a folk in the hinterlands. This is not nearly the first time I’ve pointed out the urban-centric suggestions that ignore the reality of our country. The “jerko in the G-Wagen” is not the one that would feel pain from a consumption tax. The people with no choice but to drive 50+ miles to connect home to amenities

Lol supply side economics.  We have literally no evidence that it’s a viable hypothesis.  And, before you cite the Reagan years, let’s be clear that Reagan’s recovery was classic Keynesian economics.  The massive military spend-the-Soviets-under-the-table build-up of the 1980s was classic Keynesian stimulus, with the

Majority of *what*, though? The founding fathers decided that a majority of the total population wasn’t enough; rather, it needed to be a majority of the representation in Congress. Each state is free to allocate the electoral college how it wishes to, but a few cities were not to be allowed to wag the dog of the

No I’m just trolling and you two took the bait hook line and sinker!

Just say that you hate poor rural people and end it there. Buying a basic economy car for the price of a home? Come on.

You built a smart argument, then compared the US to a city-state.  What in the heck, lol.  That doesn’t work.

When I get bored at work I like to make day more exiting my arguing with random people on the internet. Makes the time go by faster. :P

No its like high school.

You do realize that you millennials ARE boomers?

Atlanta public transport, or at least the rail system, is very unreliable with trains often arriving off schedule or just being cancelled.

It is worth noting that Gawker apparently keeps far more conservatives than liberals in the grays so as to create the illusion that nobody likes Republicans. In thinking we're that stupid, they’re that stupid.

You apparently don’t know why Ford was chosen. Spirit Agnew resigned after he was indicted on criminal charges.

I dunno, those empty sand dunes in the background seem a much more appealing place to live to me, vs an uber crowded city with regulations so harsh that you cannot do what you want, basically ever.  We’l get that nasty power plant taken down eventually, don’t worry.

I can’t tell if you’re kidding. Singapore is the size of New York City. Just the city.

if you aren’t part of the solution, you are part of the problem so shut the fuck up until you have a better solution.

You realize that gas taxes are extremely regressive and you are punishing the poorest among us for having to drive to work? If you want to punish the rich then you should tax vehicles on weight and have it be a yearly recurring tax. The more expensive the vehicle, the more it weighs. Singapore is tiny, 5 million

The entire nation of Singapore is smaller than New York City.  You can’t realistically scale what they are doing to a nation as large and far-flung as the US.

...And everyone living in rural America (all that big space between the cities), will be instantly impoverished.