Michael, buy Max a Volvo so he can write a first-hand account.
Michael, buy Max a Volvo so he can write a first-hand account.
Or even a boor. But probably not a Boer (unless you happen to be one).
I still wish he had more time with that Z, too. What did he replace it with?
Aw man... hope my dad doesn’t see this; it’ll only add salt to the wound. His first new car ever was a 1970 240Z in this exact color combo. He ordered it after seeing the cover story of the car in Road & Track. Only got to enjoy it for about a year until an uninsured dipsh— in a Buick Riviera slammed into the back of…
BaT shit crazy pricing.
If the speedometer isn’t working, the project isn’t complete.
Eh... The series pretty much died when $kaykog retired the long-time bimbo awards in the COTD comments. Comments on the COTD articles dropped off precipitously, which I imagine meant fewer page visits. That was months ago. Lame COTD awards during that time didn’t help. It’s not worth the effort to publish them anymore.…
A friend worked for 3M as a sales engineer. They were doing a demonstration of cladding application for GM. All kind of suits were there. The SUV came down the line...the fixtures went up and applied the cladding just like they were supposed to. The vehicle moved down the line and came to a stop. And just like in a…
If there’s one thing that’s not a concern, it’s having a “heavy” engine. Even with double the cylinders and triple the displacement, the LS3 is only about 90 lbs heavier (410-420 vs. 330ish). A full vs. empty gas tank will have more impact.
That’s the right answer. If they half-assed everything you can see, they probably didn’t whole-ass what you can’t.
As a dealer employee, your hatred is well-placed.
Every time I read Tom’s stories it reinforces my hatred for dealers.
If COTD hadn’t already jumped the shark when $kay stopped her “awards,” this would have done it.
This is the way
I can’t believe the V8 would Fit in this Honda. I assume the added weight would put the handling out of its Element. But I’d like to take Pilot it on an Odyssey. Civic.
Even if COTD was no longer a thing, shouldn’t we all be striving for COTD-worthiness? While I love cars and car news, 60% of the time I come to Jalopnik is for the comments.
Yup. Then the non functional gauges cemented it as someone else's half assed project.
Im waiting for true justice. The next COTD will come from a comment on his comment, and he will sadly be cropped out. By the laws of the internet, this is the way.
You apparently haven’t noticed that COTD hasn’t been a thing. The last one was 3+ weeks ago. You’re not going to get the recognition you’re so thirsty for, especially with unfunny stuff.