
Except you are giving up your freedom of movement. This is not just some dude snapping a picture of you in public, which is completely legal. This is a massive surveillance state tracking your movements.

I made the assumption that you meant what you wrote. I get it that this system will help law enforcement do what they want to do. But so would just being allowed to execute suspects on the spot, yet we say they’re not allowed to do that. Just because it makes a cop’s job easier doesn’t mean it’s automatically a good

Nope. I believe the Second Amendment is my carry permit, bub.

So, everyone gives up their freedom of movement due to the bad actions of a few? Sorry, chief, that’s not how this is supposed to work.”

Yep. I chose one as a rental a couple weeks ago and it truly was hideous. Even when I was turning it in the guy commented on how people hate them. I blame the 4 doors. While useful, 4 door pickup trucks are just not easy to look at. Somehow Jeep made it even worse. As a proud DINK, I have zero use for the extra two

There’s a lot of Wranglers out there with Defender-esque safari tops. My favourite combines it with the Nukizer nose.

Please, they make a 2 door Frontier with a 6’ bed option they go for around 16k with barely any miles on them.

So, everyone gives up their freedom of movement due to the bad actions of a few? Sorry, chief, that’s not how this is supposed to work.

Gosh, it’s also almost like we have a constitution that says they’re not supposed to investigate us unless they have a reasonable suspicion that we’re involved in criminal activity.

Houston residents voted in a referendum years ago to discontinue the use of redlight cams; I think some are still connected for investing accidents at major intersections. The nanny state business was just too much for most people.

Expecting privacy is different than expecting to have your movement tracked.

“shouldnt live in a surveillance state”

Kristin said we should read the Wired article. There is no point, as she summed it up pretty well. She also linked to a report on the use of ALPR’s that includes a cost/benefit analysis. The benefit section is summed up with:

Feinstein was absolutely fine with the NSA following all our phone calls. She only got upset when she found out the NSA was logging HER phone calls.

Thank you for saying this in what I read to be a very sarcastic manner.  I really mean it.  

No wonder things like this exist with people like you around.

Yep, we should copy the citizen surveillance apparatus of the benign government of China. Nothing can go wrong. /s

Goodness me, I don’t have an expectation of privacy within my own property? Sure, the location of said car and, say, the colour of the paint are not protected (just as the location and colour of my house are not protected), but my effects within and my conversations, etc, are. The supreme court have even extended that

What level of privacy we are constitutionally entitled to has literally nothing to do with how we choose to expect our government to behave.

I wish I believed that “since I’m not doing anything wrong, I don’t have anything to worry about.