
Ha, those stupid people! They remind me of poor people, haven't they considered just not being poor? Or people suffering from depression, haven't they considered just being happy?

I had close friends who each had a 2012 Focus when it was new and they both had to get rid of them because of these transmission defects. Both complained that the cars would bog down in the middle of making a left turn across oncoming traffic and just not fucking go. One of the cars I drove myself on occasion as it

That doesn’t absolve Ford of intentionally selling a fundamentally defective transmission to the public for years. People lost money on these things and expect to be compensated for it.

What’s crazy is that Ford hasn’t been forced to buy them back.

I propose this...

I was initially enthusiastic about this vehicle, until I heard the price. These guys are skirting safety regs through vehicle weight classification to keep cost down and the fucking thing is still over $100k? With a body I could crank out on the sider’s sheet metal brake during my lunch break?

I have a friend who just started working there, so he’s obviously biased, but he’s been a higher up in interiors for a major supplier for a long time and said the Rivian interiors are excellent. He oversaw interior quality for a wide range of automakers including BMW. The vast majority of the folks that work at Rivian

When I saw the new ranger, I knew I had to get myself an older one.

You know... with these start up EV’s... there is so much to like. Really. The idea of an electric vehicle, the idea of their buying process, all the benefits on paper....

That doesn’t absolve Ford of intentionally selling a fundamentally defective transmission to the public for years. People lost money on these things and expect to be compensated for it. Not only did they lose money on repairs, the value of the cars dropped more than it would have, partially because everyone, like you,

Rivian or CyberTruck?  Neither.  I’m just hoping EV’s mean the return of the small pick-up.

Also, also, my wife’s grandfather worked for GM for 50 years. We get very favorable finance rates from GM Financial. 

I’m a freelancer with 4 “full time” jobs, and I own a home in Nevada. Also, DINK life. Dual Income, No Kids. 

I agree that trucks have become ridiculous luxo barges with more electronics than my living room. Real trucks have bench seats and a bed you can haul lumber and cinder blocks without worrying about scratches. And they don't cost $60k or more!

It’s a project car for another site, but once it’s running I’ll make sure to do a drive report or something on it. 

Or a natural male enhancement product.

I’ve got your haggis (and -ish) soundtrack for ya here. A band from Colorado called Angus Mohr that blends traditional Scottish sounds like bagpipes and chanters with good old fashioned rock and/or roll. Some old Scottish songs, some updated sea shantys (What Do Ya Do With a Drunken Sailor is a fav) and some originals

boudin would like a word with this headline

Notice Greta isn’t lecturing anyone in India or China, you know, the places that have the most impact. Shaving emissions a couple points in the West is pissing in the ocean, it might feel nice but it won’t make a lick of difference.

Boudain would like a word...