come on, you can see the truck clearly pushing the car into the shoulder. Nice case of road rage. Confirming once again that Toronto is the asshole
drivercapital of Canada, if not the world.
come on, you can see the truck clearly pushing the car into the shoulder. Nice case of road rage. Confirming once again that Toronto is the asshole
drivercapital of Canada, if not the world.
Sure, but unless the car suddenly materializes in front of the truck, the driver was aware of the car’s movement in front of him or her. Furthermore, you can feel impacts and that amount of drag. I could feel horses moving in the trailer, or in another context, sides of beef hanging in the trailer.
Channeling its inner Tahoe
Great article! Please do more such profiles. There are tons of these specialists who toil in obscurity.
It’s amazing to me how dumb people are about emails. NEVER email anything you wouldn’t want the opposing party to read in a lawsuit. I work in criminal justice, and multiple times in my state prosecutors have gotten caught emailing each other about ignoring the rules of discovery and lying to the court. It’s amazing.
I am assuming engineers who have given all their fucks away.
Yeah. Rule number one of corporate communication is to leave no embarrassing paper trail.
Who puts comments like that in internal corporate emails? I have never seen any back and forth of that nature in 40 years in corporate environments, even in one-on-one email discussions. From the nature of the topics being discussed, these should be a heck of a lot more professional.
Meanwhile, my childhood best friend and his wife are picking out hello kitty bucket seats together for his 2jZ powered toyota crown. Which she loves riding shotgun in during drift events.
Oh, for the opportunity to say, “’Nah’ on the slaw law... needn’t be that radicchios...”
weird to write an article like this and not mention the reason cars made people a bit grumpy at the time: incredible rates of deaths.
Had a good one at a rural Mississippi barbecue joint, wasn’t a traditional slaw, only time I have actually eaten more than one bite. And the ribs are to this day the best I have ever had, period, just phenomenal.
Can I cut down the mightiest tree in the forest with a herring instead?
Your reference to Duryea got me wondering if he [Charles] could have applied any influence on the governor, but Charles did not open his Reading, PA operation until 1900 so it does not line up.
I expect farmers to disassemble their cows and hogs, preferably near a smoke pit, to keep them from traumatizing my car every day.
I must admit I was not expecting the whole “Disassemble and hide behind the bushes when I clicked on the article.” You know that the asshole who came up with that was very prejudice against cars. I mean that is not even a subtle attempt.