
pop rivets, likely aluminum into steel so the dialectic properties increase corrosion time. That’s the British way.

Man, if I didn’t have to care about winter, and I didn’t have to care about parking, this is the car I’d buy. Not too expensive, and just the right amount of middle fingers everywhere.

I mean, even if he just screwed the wing on with drywall screws that’s still pretty consistent with the theme of British build quality

Sounds you’re charging Kia with lack of transparency about their solar roof.

Because if we stop using oil and natural gas... it will stop being naturally produced by geologic processes...sure. Because solar is so much more energy efficient to translate from ambient light to kilowatts, to lb. ft. of kinetic torque...

Idiots, and the people that take their money.

I think panels like these should just be hard-wired to an exhaust fan so that the car doesn’t get so hot in the sun. Might help preserve the interior bits as well.

My mom had a 1980 grand Marquis for about 15 years. What a car! The first of the Panthers. No, not the most modern of cars, but light years ahead of the 30s. Now you put this neo-classic body on it, and the cab from a beetle? But it is way cool to see, could run forever if you could figure how to fabricate unique repla

Living in Austin I just couldn’t resist the thought of cruising around Rainey street, scarf flapping behind me, flight of the valkyries blaring from a pair of pioneer 6×9's, chasing some thrift store based designer clothing wearing idiots on electric scooters Charlie Daniel style, just once around the parking lot.

It’s kinda on topic, but not really. The other day I’m visiting a tire dealer that I sell tires to, and there’s and older gentleman there that I get to talking with while my dealer is busy. The guy tells me about being in the service, how he’s 86 and never drank or smoked, and about being a weightlifter, then casually

To much hard-edge building a refrigerator ‘80s in the look. The Excalibur is round in all the places this one is square, and the organic shape makes all the difference in the world.

Okay, I have $30K burning a hole in my pants pocket. Have to spend it immediately or it goes poof forever.

This is how the Lexus experience was for was so straightforward I had to read stuff even more because it seemed “too easy”.  Numbers in plain English in a row with all fees clearly stated “here’s the price, here’s the tax, here is title, here is dealer fee, any questions?”.  Will likely stick with Lexus for a

Tom’s is a flat fee, so even less than 3% [well I guess depending on what you choose to buy]; I enlisted his services for a relative to use for a Christmas present as she is busy and needs to get a new car. This week is go-time and he’s been nothing but great to deal with thus far.

Clearly? I would not call a small novel “clearly.”

Process complexity
Assess the complexity of the process’ moving parts. The more complex a process, the greater the chance that fraud will slip through the cracks and crevices.

I understood that joke... and now I’m a bit ashamed of how nerdy I am...

Honestly yes. I hate haggling/negotiating/whatever the fuck you want to call it. I’m bad at it and just hate talking to people honestly.

I’m with you brother!

Maybe you should try reading Tom’s article: he says no fewer than three times in three paragraphs that the term is 60 months, and he explicitly covers the interest rates as well. He even addresses the negative equity question when he states that MSRP = purchase price, meaning there is no negative equity.