My favorite is the hipster one -
My favorite is the hipster one -
We have not altered our marketing campaigns because of any concerns with the accuracy of our ad content.
Chevrolet falling by the wayside when challenged by the Japanese...
greed is just capitalism you don’t like.
More like: We “mark et” up to what we feel the idiot market will support.
It’s heartwarming to know that BMW’s commitment to hiring the blind extends to their designers as well.
An idiot might be tempted to suggest it is only a mild reskin to cash in on nostalgia in a cynical attempt to generate clicks for the umpteenth worn out opinion on this car in the last two days. But I fell for the bait, so I guess you win.
I was around.
80s > 90s
Thank God cars can't sneeze
Pretty stupid argument. People own Rat Rods because they like them and accept the risks, personal choice.
For everybody saying this is cheating or that they could do this with the help of the dragster:
You guys really need to clarify that this is a paced cycling speed record, not a straight up cycling speed record.
Counterpoint - unlike the omnipresent Tahoes, Yukons and Suburbans here in Houston, you will stand out if you drive a Telluride. And that interior is absolutely gorgeous.
With apologies to my fellow Jalops, I like this and am actually interested in buying one*. Glad to finally see some real details on it.
I so don’t care.
That rear end. Just... what the fuck were they thinking?
i’ll give you a hug, just because i feel bad about exposing my overpowering desire to buy this so i can ride around with my golden retriever in the sidecar
And you claim to be an enthusiast. Bah. You’re an uneducated riding elitist. Vintage Vespas are awesome to ride, even for “motorcycle guys”. You should give one a shot sometime... unless you can actually ride a bicycle 60+ mph.
hey guys look, it’s the worst opinion on the internet today
For the DMV, the motorcycle line starts at 50cc. Your mileage may vary of course, depending local regs. But in all the places I’ve lived you can get by with 50cc and no registration whatsoever, it’s legally a moped (multi-speed models may require special consideration) and not subject to licensing or registration.