This car will be $66,000CAD for a base model!? I’m suspecting this will not sell well here. Twice the price of a Z with the same horsepower and miles above Mustang and Camaro pricing. It’s nearly the same price as a base model Corvette.
This car will be $66,000CAD for a base model!? I’m suspecting this will not sell well here. Twice the price of a Z with the same horsepower and miles above Mustang and Camaro pricing. It’s nearly the same price as a base model Corvette.
What everyone wants is a short overhang like a lot of small RWD sports sedans, but you simply can’t have good front aero with that.
It’s right where I think the majority expected it to be. Priced similarly to the Z4, in the range of the Cayman, and the Americans, but will probably get lots of hate for not being “affordable” for tuner kids that call it a BMW. I’m really interested in test driving this, as a former MKIV owner I think this will he a…
Hi, my name is Bruce, and I’m a Jalop.
When I was in the Marine Corps in Vietnam in 66-67, I saw a lot of these little guys. As noted they could hurt you bad if you didn’t have common sense. Ours were the air cooled variety but 4 stroke. Only saw one with an M106 recoilless rifle mounted and it would have been a killer “app” as the kids would say. Wouldn’t…
Yep. I am afraid I am going to have to give up Jalopnik, as they keep making me want things I had not known to exist. If I won a big lottery, I could go broke just buying vehicles Jalopnik has made me aware of (plus the 500 acres and associated barns for storage).
Raise the drawbridge! Lower the portcullis! Heat up the cauldrons of oil!
I can rely on them not being as good as a Toyota Orna Honda.
If they don’t respond to emails, they don’t get my business. The last three cars I bought I used email to search for and ultimately coordinate the purchase.
Anyone especially in sales, who doesn’t take full advantage of the communications power of the modern world is an idiot.
They need a healthy dose of training on…
It’s a 13 year old vehicle. The dealership profit is maybe $400-$500. The salesperson’s commission is what, $50-$75?
Dude, I live in Utah. I am The One and Only.
Here’s how most of my email correspondence goes with dealers:
That’s why I go in heavily armed.
How will they send requested pictures through a phone call?
A lovely song for Oldsmopeople.
At one point I wondered if you were going to say the airbag went off and the ring came out.
Olds Lang Syne, as they say.
What a great story. I’ve got a pretty good one myself: I recently bought a 2010 Fusion SEL. It had the Takata airbag recall and parts were delayed so it sat for several months. Finally parts were available so I took it to the Ford Dealer. When repairs were complete, I hopped in to drive it home and found a ring in the…
A nice way to ring in the New Year!