I am also suffering from Outrage Fatigue.
I am also suffering from Outrage Fatigue.
There are a lot of people who believe that John McCain, on his recent trip to northern Syria during which he met with American troops who are embedded with the SDF in the midst of the Raqqa campaign, was actually delivering chemical weapons to “the rebels,” and that “the rebels” subsequently launched the gas attack OR…
I often wish that Hillary Clinton WAS the murderous criminal mastermind they told us she was— because then Trump, Bannon, Chernovich, Comey, Spicer, Kushner, Manafort, Miller, all of ‘em would be pushin’ up daisies right now, and we wouldn’t be in this mess!
noun nui·sance \ˈnü-sən(t)s, ˈnyü-\
an annoying or troublesome person, thing, or situation
What he lacks in physical presence, he tries to overcompensate with his bankroll.”
I dunno if she’s the top pot stirrer at this point though. Sheree the “Bone Collector” is pretty adept in that regard.
Kenya makes me laugh though. Sheree is one of those girls who Thinks she’s real funny, but laughs at her own jokes (and she’s the only one laughing).
This show would be incredibly boring without Kenya. #fact
kandi looks incredible
Am I the only one who doesn’t think Kenya is the villain? But actually thinks that Porscha is the villain?
Your sentence is grammatically flawed, try not to do that when making fun of someone it makes you look dumb.
This 11-year-old kid just put together more tangible thought and words than the fucking President of our country has at any point in his life.
Ah, well that’s important to know. My ignorance about these matter feels more blissful every day.
When she’s sober, you’re like “Wow, she seems like someone I’d go to for advice.” When she’s trashed, you’re like “Wow, I kind of want to go out, get drunk with her and see the chaos that ensues.”
Dorinda is the best. I would like to have her in my Housewives All Star collection.
She is truly the best, and you’re right, it’s like a delicate trapeze walk - she manages to be/act insane but also seem like the sanest of the bunch all at once.
Dorinda is truly the best addition to this franchise. She may be the MVP of any franchise with how much crazy she brings yet still managing to seem vaguely normal.
Apparently, according to @roguePOTUSStaff on Twitter, the only thing that makes him stop is favorable press coverage.
Weird how it just keeps hitting me...months later. But every detail is a new disgusting level.
It’s really hard to define the extent of loathing I feel for him. For me it doesn’t have anything to do with his money or power, but it is all tied up and confused with my loathing of the people who look at him and don’t see the utter stupidity, the lack of leadership, the insecurity, the lack of intelligence, the…
You have nothing to apologize for! If anything, these assholes should apologize for making you rant. I am seeing this everywhere...and it is so hilarious. Spicer went out on the day after the initial temper tantrum and talked about disheartening and demoralizing it is for the president to hear that people are saying…