
The Trump administration is literally giving them amazing material to work with week after week

I read that Trump complained about Spicer’s suits. TRUMP, of all people, had opinions about another man’s suits. They are supposed to be adult men, why can’t they dress as such? Obama always had such gorgeous suits, Trump looks like a toddler in his older brother’s suit and Spicer looks like he won his suit at a

And, you’re not trying nearly hard enough, dear.

I love how SNL doesn’t even have to satirize what’s going on to be funny. They just have to summarize it.

I’m going to need her to be like Alec Baldwin and just come back to do that whenever possible. It’s uncanny. She does a better Sean Spicer than Sean Spicer.

The sooner people realize McCarthy is in the top 5 of the funniest people who ever lived ever the better off we’ll all be.

Old person here. It’s really hard to overstate the influence she had on my generation. Seeing a woman on TV who had a cool job, cute apartment, warm friends, active (but casual) sex life . . . . It was the first representation we saw on TV that made us think, Yeah, I want that life.

That episode was genius.

A little song

G’bye, Mare. I hope Chuckles is there.

I can’t believe you threw that last one in there. A lifetime ban for counting cards. What an abuse against that poor casino. How will they recover.

Ben Affleck isn’t a shit like his brother.

Constance Wu is a badass. Doing the thing your conscience tells you is right even if it could hurt you (career-wise, in this case) is honorable and beautiful and I am really impressed by her speaking up. I also agree with her re: Casey Affleck. What a turd.

I loved that show. Don’t care. I love Carson Kressley and can’t get enough, so there.

I really miss his show How to Look Good Naked. It was remarkably sweet and fun.

I absolutely love Carson Kressely. I loved this show because I’m obsessed with interior design, and I love home makeover shows. Kressley is great on the new Apprentice.

The amount of insecurity inside of our Commander in Chief is rivaled only by the size of Obama’s 2009 inauguration crowd.

RIGHT??????? I just think, how can you be so fuckin stupid???? He is giving uyp nothing! And in fact, has already made money of his being PEOTUS. How can they not see this??

Trump is drunk with power right now as are the republicans. They beat their foe HRC. They have control of everything and think most voters are too stupid to vote for someone else. This is not true and don’t let them fool you. The best outcome for them would be for democrats to write off voting entirely and stay home.

I know - that’s 130 characters more than a Trumpa Loompah can manage without losing their train of thou… What was I saying?