he’s a drunken adult.
he’s a drunken adult.
Literally that doesn’t make sense as long as her counterclaim that him calling the abuse a “hoax” was also found valid.
Not automatically. You had plenty of evidence - she going to police with bruises on her face to get a restraining order against Depp (and getting it), picture of her closet having been smashed by Depp in a rage, video recording of his uncontrolled anger while pouring a bottle of wine down his throat, verbally abusing…
And, if anyone is not yet convinced of your credentials, well, you also know how to google besides being a “lawyer” and working for an NGO.
The professor who did my c section is also idiot, isn’t he! Everyone is an idiot in your view except yourself, moron, who sit with the internet on your lap and think you know enough to preach other women what method of birth is better for them.
And by the way do your vaginal delivery as much as you want but stop preaching other women on what their choice “should be”. You’re not in a position to do so ( at least not intellectually).
You are a total moron who knows nothing about obstetrics . Elective c section is as safe as planned vaginal delivery. Appart from that there is no risk-free birth .
I am another “anecdotal evidence” that elective c-sections are the safest method to deliver a baby. It was my “go-to choice”.
It is the right choice for many women and so they should have the choice to have one or not.
You “have to look at c section?” Really. In what sense? Denying women the right to choose how they give birth, one of the most physically traumatic events in a human life?
Interesting. I wonder how was I able to do all this without calling anyone “the mentor”. I have frinds and network for sure and we help each other since we were colleagues at some point, but it’s always been a two way street helping each other.
there is no mentorship. There is only boys club where they see women’s role only as Kellyannes or sex objects and men as buddies deseving promotions.
I would be curious to find out what did that mentorship consist of?
I’m afraid you will relive 2016 again and again as long as there are women who run for president. I know you would like misogyny to go away and kid yourself that it’s a Hillary problem, that it’s not going to happen to you when you go to a job interview or compete for a promotion with a less or equally qualified dude.…
I’m glad that the turnout was good this year too. I hope women will continue their solidarity movement despite nay-sayers like the author of this article who believe that the pay gap and abortion rights are some “narrow” agenda items of white women, when if fact the pay gap affects all women’s ability of survival and…
I wonder what would the Native Americans do without a white male pointing out how outraged they should be at a woman who runs for president.
It was the 40s and a women would “absolutely “ not spend the night at the man’s house. Really so if in the 40s there was a double standard for men’s versus women’s sexuality ( it wasn’t only then , it persists to this day,slut shamning is strong in our society, men do expect women to resist their advances to give them…
Verbal diarrhoea does not replace math. I showed you that the dangerous jobs that men choose do not account for any earnings gap. Quite the contrary. The rest is bullshit.
And look dude, let’s do a bit of math. I compared the highest paid jobs that men choose the most (in the first 30 percentile from the tables I gave you) , which are indeed the most dangerous ones, with the highest paid jobs chosen by women (again in the first 30 percentile). I took median salaries in Canada, and here’s…