
So you think it would have been a better decision to openly explain to the audience whether James could hear the dead?

Anyone with the ability to produce, direct or write movies/shows obviously ain't gonna be writing reviews of such works.

I'd just like to hear an explanation from the prosecution as to why there was no blood from th victim in Avery's bedroom where they allegedly slit her throat.

Boring. But of course, any chance the AV Club gets to poke at TD, they take it with glee.

It's getting boring to read the "witty" pot shots.

I'd argue they decided that before the season began.

The criticism is at times so far reaching it's laughable.

It was all a premature backlash to Season One.

These last few episodes have been great. And, to the brainiacs that keep poking fun at Paul's recognition of the contracts having signatures "all over them," do people not understand that contracts, by their very nature, begin without signatures? It's pretty simple - they begin without signatures (which could have

That's the funny thing about season two. I read comments poking fun a the choice of music in that scene, when I thought it was incredible as well. No matter what happens, the peanut gallery is going to try to one-up each other in how they can deride everything about the show. Sad.

You didn't get the memo? The cool thing to do is write bad things about this season, even if the criticism is silly.

I think you should post it again - really drive the point home.

So the grand plan is to remove most of what drew people to season 1? This better be some of the best writing ever.

His original account of the day was "I'm not sure, I can't remember." Then the Asia letters came in. That's when he started saying "I must have been at the library." And track practice? He basically said I don't remember, but I probably went to track practice because that's what usually would happen.

That's not what he said at all.

I don't understand how people try to poke holes in Jay's testimony/interviews when he admittedly withheld information for fear of the repercussions, yet fully accept Adnan's rock-solid alibi of "I don't remember anything."

No, his DNA was not found in Hae. The lawyers investigating were hoping that may be the case, but the DNA hasn't even been tested.

And Jay is smart and sophisticated enough to orchestrate an entire day
of Adnan's activities to fit with the timeline of the murder, and make
sure Adnan had no alibi despite being completely innocent?