
WTF did you just say? That is one of the biggest uses of mine!

More than they deserve!

These mats are resistant as they are less than 1 ohm, Otosan!

I can bet this is the computers in their elite hacking unit:

I came here hoping that I was going to see someone kick the sh*t out of the French..... Click wasted ......

Japanese is really not that harder than other languages. Took me 1 month to get the 2 major alphabets memorized (third is ours..yea) The placement of verbs and words are not in "our" logical order, but after about a year of study you can pick up a lot.

There are birds in this place .... didn't notice....

The good old Red Bull Rampage right there.....

They are not robots. They are at best RC cars with guns duct taped to them!

I made the mistake once by putting "Hot Japanese Women" in a search engine and I could have just put "Japanese Women" and gotten the same result!!

Here the cops would have shot it because it attacked their feet!!

Yet the Japanese made this!!!!!

As compared to a real Arby's kitchen....

I really want to see Russia go all 1960 cold war on their ass!!!!

I really want to see Russia go all 1960 cold war on their ass!!!!

Equally more terrifying!!!!

I lived in Korea for 2 years. Never once saw a pig......

I lived in Korea for 2 years. Never once saw a pig......

"The One Really Big Error In Gravity No One Seems To Be Talking About" ....... What that Sandra Bullock is a good actress!