
I got 2 on pre-order for my friends in Japan. Boxes bubble rapped and waiting to go...

You know if you don't read the article and just read the pictures it's like they are hitting on me ...... cheeseburgers and loneliness are a dangerous mix

I was off by one hiragana letter on the second picture and thought it was いろ not いる. Which would have read "penguin's color bar" ..... raciest penguins!!!!!

Cheap ass...

Was going to say ニャンニャン means more than "cat". I remember reading about Hirano Aya's little scandal and they used that term a few times. I kept thinking why the hell do they keep talking about her cat.


That is so raciest it's hilarious. It's like they didn't even care!

You know American kids can do this to .... except for the fact they are lazy, untalented and uneducated to do it.

That movie was so bad it should have Jaden Smith in it!!

I have spent a long time doing many similar tasks to get credit in college. The thought at the time is look what they do so you understand there job better. I don't see what is wrong here other than the 11 hours of work. But then again its what they do so you do the same....

A rusty metal hole ... A meat grinder .... and my wife.

American guideline for when plane stops:

If this was American it would be based on fat and diabetes...

Yea I'm pointing at you......back of the line!!

Dumb joke. Senseless violence. America seems to have it more now a days. Exp.... the D.C. indecent today....

The Japanese are becoming way to Americanized.....

I was just thinking today that I don't smell enough meat on my phone ......

I was ready to get my Japanese language skills ready ..... but nope. Just screaming kids on crack!

I lived in one of these small .. well apartments for two weeks when I first got to Korea. They where not bad at all. Like single occupancy dorm room....