
This is why I only get my news from the Saturday Evening Post. And YouPorn comments.

Planets closer to the galactic core have more British accents. It gets more American as you go out. Luke’s planet is in the Outer Rim.

Worst Atom Egoyan movie ever.

Jeff Sessions this morning was like watching my grandparents try to understand what a computer was.

I’m an idiot and cannot figure how to post a video.

“Because, as Picardi points out, studies clearly show that preaching abstinence will only lead to higher rates of sexually transmitted diseases and teen pregnancies.”

you got some competition

i love it when 30 year old beard guys figure out america now and going forward and they write a book about it

Fuck Sean Hannity. He’s nothing but a modern day Joseph Goebbles and it’s “We’re always right and good, and you’re always evil and wrong” assholes like him and Rush that have made it possible for an atmosphere to exist where allowing the Russians to have influence in the running of the country “Isn’t really any big

A civilization without public health services is a dead civilization.

“Peaceful” assembly gets defined by those in charge. So, when it’s the kkk at a memorial or confederates or bundy goobers.. it’s “peaceful”, i.e., white men. Everyone else? Lolz, not so much.

Meh. “Self” is an invented concept anyway. You are nothing but a semi-related sequence of energies firing around inside organic gray matter. Covered by a fragile shell that is frankly pretty unimpressive. Other than music, Batman and thin curst pizza… Humanity is generally overrated. We’re just monkeys who figured out

“I’m fearful the Democratic Party is already moving too far to the left,”

Wait. Sarah McLachlan is some sort of artist? I thought she was this person whose job was to make me all sad, depressed, and suicidal over animals. 

Not saying they don’t.

So I spent the last 4 days, including the 4th, in Canada.

God has defaulted on child support since like 12,000 BC. Fuck that guy.

This is Peak HamNo everyone.

We execute people for: