Legally, is he allowed to call Trump the President? I’m no expert in bird law but that typo seemed intentional.
Legally, is he allowed to call Trump the President? I’m no expert in bird law but that typo seemed intentional.
There’s video, but this is all I need:
No Clark the Cub?
Not a weird thing to say to the bitch asking you hard questions. He knows she has a daughter and he wants her to know that he knows. That was a threat, make no mistake.
You do realize that global climate change affects America, and that the idiocy of the “Pittsburgh, not Paris” comment lies in the implied notion that the treaty somehow only benefits Paris, right?
Hockey Clue is the WORST!
Well, I certainly received an education on First Nations and their treatment from the Canadian government.
Sit Ubu sit.
If you see yourself looking down at a peasant class, you’re either a feudalist or a fascist in the making. And thus the problem with fascism as a conceptualized ideology, though. Fascism is the thing Americans beat in 1945 that murdered millions of people because of their race. It is not, despite sociopolitical…
I don’t think I’m really reaching, to be quite honest. Look at some of Trump’s kookier interviews over the years, look at statements by guys like Peter Thiel. There’s a lot of people among the supremely rich who earnestly believe they were destined for their success. It’s been a phenomenon for centuries, it’s nothing…
Fuck the Pens.
“Filed to: GUM” sent me into peals of laughter. Ashley, truly, you are a great gift.
Spoken like somebody who has never driven on the QEW
Ottawa almost sold out Game 6 of the Eastern Conference finals.
Oo-de-lally, golly what a day.
I never would have thought that Disney’s version of Robin Hood (complete with a thumb-sucking cowardly lion pseudo king with mommy issues, a deceitful snake whispering sweet nothings in his ear to calm him, and a “law and order” style wolf of a sheriff whose sole purpose is to harass the poor) would come to life. But…
The weather’s been nice.