
Why don't people like GFWL? Seriously, I don't know. When I get a PC game with GFWL I'm like "Yay, I get live achievements.". Last game I picked up for PC, Batman, used GFWL and I was happy to see my gamer-score go up because of a PC game. Heck, if they could build Live right into Windows (windows 8 ;) and give me

I'm intrigued how personally you have taken this, I wonder what aspect you have identified with. But, that's just me, asking too many questions about too many things.

We become that which we focus on, even if that focus is on hate.

Neither are powerful video cards in terms of what is available today, so I'd simply like to stipulate that if you hope to play something like Battlefield, Batman (arkham city), etc those cards would likely stutter or only support the lowest settings.

People become that which they hate... or that which they love. Funny that some focus on hate anyways.

Ah too bad, I really enjoyed the first one. I played it through twice back to back, trying to get every type of kill. Most FPS's put me to sleep, I liked what they did for the genre even if some of the dialog was down right ignorant/stupid in nature.

Don't let other peoples confusion and their search to find themselves bleed into and affect your life (don't question who you are based on who other people want to be, instead know who you want to be and be it). Dats my non-teenager advice :)

True, they feel that comparing the hardware (or numbers so to speak) isn't what gaming and their consoles are all about and that it would simply distract from who they want to be. I say just release the numbers for those who care to read it.

Read the hardware design documentation, that will give you the answer from a purely mathematical, pushing bits n bytes point of view. Simple.

I'm sorry that you have a slow mind, there are people who can help you with that if you are interested. Even reading books everyday will help with word recognition and comprehension (understanding), so maybe start there.

I swear by Astro Headsets, awesome for movies, music and gaming.

I was quick to jump on digital for books (Kindle), and when the iPad came along tried the comic apps and was generally impressed at first. But now, I'm slowly reverting backwards and simply don't buy comic's digitally and only buy eBooks if they are what I consider 'throw aways' or are super cheap in comparison to

Agreed. If they were brought into live action instead of having to read them, I wonder how they would translate? Either way, some of those memories were down right emotionally engaging at times.

I still hold on to the idea of turn based making it's return, I love the strategy and variety of enemies in turned based (the most popular games in the world are 'turn' based if you think about it... chess, risk, pokemon, etc etc etc... maybe bad examples but you get the point) and then at the same time we get to

Yep, and I'm glad you can counter my dislike for the game, I'd hate to influence someone who would enjoy it because I don't. The more specific the better, it seems like a game that one needs to know exactly want it offers to know if it's for them.

I just want to advise that people try the demo, it doesn’t have the super frustrating courses so know that they are in there as well. But, it will show you basically what the game feels like.

I just want to advise that people try the demo, it doesn’t have the super frustrating courses so know that they are in there as well. But, it will show you basically what the game feels like.

Still wanting to rag on SSX because of my epic disappointment.

Well I didn't get the option when I pre-ordered, I'll have to keep an eye out. BTW that link didn't work for me.

There is a limited ED? What does it have included? I wonder if this is also avail for the North American release. Xenoblade preorders at EB get an art book, I think that's pretty sweet. Love art books (being an illustrator).