
Thanks, you saved me the effort in replying.

Start a petition now, xbox needs a 3D update especially if PS gets it in 3D!!!! Pretty please!

Yeah I was looking at that 55" when purchasing the one I settled on, it truly is mind blowing (wipes drool from chin).

Actually @TheMetroidMan covered them pretty well ;) As luck would have it, as one of my free PSN games I grabbed Super Stardust, which at the time I played for 10 mins and found just ok. So on the weekend it was the first one I played, and personally the immersion of the 3D kept my attention long enough to realize

Thanks for the heads up, I'm a Canon user though, which I assume by your statement causes an issue?!

I know, the horizon has the top A games coming in 3D, how awesome is that!

Picked up a 3D TV on the weekend (needed a new TV, the visual fidelity was slipping in my old one) and I just have to say. I'm SOLD on 3D gaming, my god it's beautiful and I really don't care that I have to wear active shutter glasses to enjoy it (which are by far better than the passive experience of the theater). So

Ok ok, google "The Never Ending Story". Take a look at how the story was told, the name of the lead character, etc and see where this game must have gotten it's "influence" from.

HAHAHA and now the Gizmodo comments on the photo and situation are just as funny and proves the original posters point yet again, too funny.

If they truly are craftsmen, not a 'mass' production shop and rather work on multiple pieces to create the whole, I say fan...tas...tic I want to work there. They should probably make that a little clearer, people assume, and knowing that would probably attract the very crowd they are after.

Umm very very cool, but I instantly felt bad for the employees. I mean this video is made by marketing folks, so I suspect it's 'brighter' than reality, meaning can you imagine being the guy who paints the engraving white, minute after minute, hour after hour, day after day, month after... you get the idea. I'd lose

Hating humanity is our greatest flaw :(

Funny, I've 'trained' all of my dogs without the need for a collar period. Different strokes I guess.

You are clearly superior to me, wow just wow.


I dare you to wear one of these for a day and still be able to recommend it for a dog or any other life that you are trying to 'control'.

Calling people and actions racist is the new racist. UGH, get a life people. Yes I'm sure people planking were being racist, F* hell people stop being so freakin anal retentive. How do you expect racism to die when you are constantly calling people racist for innocent actions.