
HA! Love it.

Uh oh, I hear pride in dem der words. Moves out of the way for the inevitable fall!

The person who is getting a free games spends $10 if they want to play online, obviously not playing it with you ;)

"Gangs" make me laugh, but yet want to cry. Cry that anyone would want to be part of it, laugh because gangs limit the number of people you can meet, know, share and understand.

I have no problem with this, paying the developers for their work is a.o.k in my book. Heck the last time I checked used was only a dollar or two cheaper nowa days (i.e. EB/GS) anyways, maybe with this pass used games will drop further in price and those who don't play online can get a good deal. Seems like a nice

Oh hey, that would be true, it's a wide angle that sees things closer to itself isn't it. LOL, I feel stupid, but thanks for the reply.

Like with a telephoto lens, doesn't your field of view get cut when you 'zoom'. I assume this has no effect on 2+ players Kinecting in your gaming space?

So you guitar hero your way through battle, but the tunes are FF tunes? Ummm I'm actually kind of interested!

I like reason and compassion :)

Doesn't knowing that it was all in the name of business while the employees (talent) filled with animosity, stress and frustration make it a less appealing game? I know once I hear what EA employees are subjected to, the work environment as a whole, I haven't bought one of their games. I think that's what makes

You guys trade in your games? Wow, I'm actually kind of shocked and amazed right now, or disgusted I can't decide.

Wow. At least it's not his/her fault. This is an employee...someone responsible for making the product... but lucky for them they are rushed, have crappy management, etc... which prevents them from making anything good, near miss I'd say. I'm glad they went public, I mean otherwise someone might think you had


"Hey no thought or skill required, just mash dat der X button will ya."

Ok I have to share a secret, I hate pac man. Always have, I remember playing it on my Atari and hated it immediately. I find it to be such a stupid and mind numbing game and have never understood why anyone liked it. I know, it's horrible to admit :O But, pac man as an icon I love. So I guess I was just expressing my

Well said.

New to live, I can't recommend you download Shadow Complex enough. If you at all like old Metroid style games, you'll love it. I played through 4 times before I finally had enough. Castle Crashers is also a hoot if you have 3 other friends to play with who are also new to Live.