
Totally understand your perspective on Wasp and her founding member status. I had to swallow a bitter pill (still swallowing, actually) with what Fox has done with the X-men mythos. Enjoyed the movies (not X3), but really wish they matched with the comic book history a little better.

If Wasp were introduced that way, I could go for it, I'm not completely against relationships, but I really hate it when they take over the story, unless they are the point of the story.

Yes! Black Widow was hella-fantastic, she would have been my favourit character in The Avengers movie if not for Hulk stealing all the win. I knew I'd be impressed, but I didn't know how much so since she isn't super powered. My hope was that Joss would recognise her strengths as a spy and put her in the situations

Are we talking about the same X-Men cartoon?

A Marvel movie with a female lead written by Joss Whedon would be awesome. So want. Whichever hero he decides to go with, I am fairly confident he'll write her right.

While I agree they need to back off on the Wolverine over saturation, I have to personally disagree about Jackman being the reason the character is worth watching since I completely adored Wolverine in the 90s animated series and totally shipped him and Jean before shipping was a thing. ;P

No, I think that stories with female leads(especially in movies) often become defined by who her love interest is. There is a whole series with a woman who defines herself by the man she falls in love with (Twilight), why can't I have a movie heroine who is defined by her actions and abilities?

Totally saw that too, totally did get confused at first and think she misspelled Wheaton. Then I just figured she did it to me on purpose.

Is anyone else getting annoyed with all the "Scarlet Witch cause VISION!" and "Wasp cause Antman!"?

Tears. They are coming out of my eyes. *shakes fist*

Thanks for this, I was a little annoyed when I read the post this morning and it said it still doesn't have a network. No, not an American one, but it sure is scheduled on Space and Watch.

I love this. It just needs some illustrations. I see a 4 book deal in the future, each one building towards a spectacularly anti-climatic ending.

That's one badass Chippette.

Now I know what a unicorn sounds like.

I enjoyed that music number a lot, i thought it was cute and funny. It brought Miss Piggy and Mary's story lines together and I have to admit I hadn't really connected the two until that song.

"A single female that has been mated is able to colonize and start a new infestation. Her progeny and brothers and sisters can then mate with each other, exponentially expanding the population."

I read Prelude to Schism. I enjoyed it, but it was more about re-establishing characters and their relationships to each other, specifically Scotts with Prof X, Magneto and Wolverine and less about the danger. I would have liked to have known what the danger was, too, but didn't really notice they hadn't mentioned it

(Okay, attempt two.)

That would be nice.
