The Laughing Man

Did you miss the part where the spin class turns out to be a covid spreader. People will apparently put themselves at risk to get in their preferred exercise hour even in the face of a medical risk? How does that make sense? My comment is not about shaming spin class it is about shaming indoor exercising that will

What is it like, soaring so far above the rabble while also being inside of your own ass?

This is the type of stupid around numbers that I usually encounter talking about sports. The people defending the race adjustment are never asking themselves “what is being measured.” Let’s use some attorney logic and argue by analogy.

The DNC convention (the parts I saw) didn’t come across as vapid to me. Granted, compared to the cult of personality worship on display for the RNC, it may seem so.

Who cares about the state of his base? They are unmovable obstacles. If you’re not one of these human doorstops and you STILL need a reason to go vote for Biden then you’re too wishy-washy to focus on.

As a Clip fan the ejection was called for.

Wait, you think racism in post Civil War America was something you could not be aware of?

Yeah, remember when Rosa Parks and all those “bullies” picked on the poor Montgomery, Alabama Public Transit back in 1956? Such a bad look.

Not a lawyer but I’m assuming this move is to protect financial assets and property? They have a second home in Florida, so there must be finances there that will be depleted in his defense or seized in civil suits. She’s trying to get her half before he has nothing. Or, in the least, this delays their financial


“The only twist that was actually new, I guess, was that Dolores had switched from “destroy all humans” to “save all humans.” But as Rob Bricken pointed out in his recap, it wasn’t very well-explained or justified.”

And here we go, half joking allegations of bribery and slamming production values in ways that are straight up mind boggling (and make me suspect you’ve never seen the broad side of a production studio). Much more convenient answer than some people like things you don’t. Yeesh. I mean, I respect your right to dislike

He. Said. It. Is. Okay. To. Work. While. Infected.*

I hear you! I am so put off by watching sunsets. You need to buy the book about ‘Our Sun’, watch COSMOS, Study orbital mechanics at a university, and take at least one astronomy course before you can even understand what the hell is going on! Truly annoying.

You don’t need to do anything. Watching and reading extra materials gives extra context, but you don’t need that extra context to enjoy what The Mandalorian or Star Wars for that matter.

OMG trying to explain what ‘white privilege’ means to my family is a fucking chore. White privilege doesn’t mean that white people don’t have to work hard for what we have, or that white people’s poverty doesn’t exist. Its that white people’s poverty is seen through a more sympathetic lens. That our hard work is

Trying to justify it by saying these are “industry-standard established ranges based on experience” is especially fucked-up, given the strength of their resumes. He had one movie screenwriting credit and one “story by” credit prior to Crazy Rich Asians. She’d been writing for television for two decades. It’s a flimsy

At least Marianne’s thoughts are relatively harmless, in the scheme of things.