Laughing Crow

Can we back up slightly and talk more about your roommate selection criteria?

Nursing is an excellent degree to get. You’re one of the smart ones. You’re also short in supply. I hope you see the pay increases the market says you deserve.

To be honest, not sure I’d pay these prices to go to college. It’s a bad decision for most graduates these days. I would go to trade school, remain debt free, and start building a life not centered around massive debt owed for an education in safe spaces.

Okay, idiot, what’s your degree in? One of mine is in nursing, and I freakin’ assure you, not “anyone” can get it. And I’m pretty productive, as you’ll no doubt learn on your next hospital admission.

The State has a constitutional right to promote childbirth and therefore has the power to make medical decisions for competent citizens?

Anyone hear high pitched electronic tones, similar to what a missile’s radar system makes when it locks onto a target?

Yeah but those kids won’t be paying back student loans, either!

You’re right. “Cop who murdered unarmed man is later revealed to be a Nazi” is much more accurate.

“Just kidding, again. It was Karl Marx.”

“I know why the caged bird sings.”
-Melania Trump

Yes, but a look at his FB and IG — as well as his tats — shows he hasn’t redeemed himself. I follow him on social media and have for years, and he is horrible.

A band that was a major, major force for me in turning my life around.

Graduating college is not an achievement at all.

“I’m just kidding again about Obama saying this. It was actually a quote from Mein Kampf.”

I believe people can repent.

Yes, this kid will be fine.

Perhaps if cops were better at their jobs? Perhaps we could stop discriminating AGAINST intelligence when hiring, for example?

If he changed, he can remove the tattoo. If he had the ‘n’ word tattoo’d on his arm from his past racist ways, which he has since changed, doesn’t make it okay. Get rid of the tattoo and maybe I’d believe him. Keeping it around “as a reminder” is dumb as hell. His personal reminder is weighed against the public

Babies have reported feeling mostly irrelevant, with sitters saying on record they “aren’t fun to watch”.

God...This is just like the recalled Warriors baby toys. They were recalled, but still considered a choking hazard for children 3-1.