
Both. Also, they seem to want to incite a culture war now, because that will sell more guns.

I can't find it on Disney Jr and now my kid is mad at me.

To me, the fact that Bran checked to make sure the Three-Eyed Raven was sleeping before he touched the root, combined with his constant whining about how he wants to see more, made it clear that going on a visionquest by himself was against the rules, and could have bad consequences.

The only one Juliette ever had chemistry with was Renard, so I vote for those two crazy kids together.

And also of God.

Yup. As a Catholic, I had the same thought about all the verse-dropping. I never hear people quote the bible.

They have good chemistry together. I just think it would be a plotting disaster.

I didn't like Betsy Ross's very modern American accent and demeanor.

Yes! I came here just to see if anyone else noticed that, because I hoped I was imagining it. The hugging part was okay, but then I swear he checked out her butt later on, and they had their moment of bonding over being two outcasts. I'm worried.

You've clearly never read the Fox News comments.

Didn't the Boomers create and raise the Millennials? I blame the Boomers for everything that's wrong with the Millennials. Boomers are the worst.

But…but…Ramsay hunts down people who he's let escape with dogs. Why on earth would he not just hunt down Sansa and Theon the instant he finds them gone?

We had a teen disco in my town called Bugsy Malone's. Teen. Disco.

It's also straight-up Greek tragedy: Agamemnon sacrificed his daughter Iphigenia to gain the favor of the gods when his navy was stalled due to lack of wind. The girl died; the winds blew; the Greeks destroyed Troy…and then his wife killed him for it the second he returned home. That's what I predict for Stannis.